Just one uncomfortably sentient and angry automobile on a road trip through the fetaverse.

Profile pic credit: openclipart.org - user roland81 https://openclipart.org/detail/150787/comic-red-angry-car

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


The lengths to which this game goes to steal all my free time is absurd.

Wasn’t self-hosting but trying it out with their server for awhile. I think the idea is great, and I think one of its big UI advantages is it’s a lot more intuitive on mobile than most other personal knowledge management / note takers I’ve used.

I did find it pretty buggy at times and a lot of the features not built out enough yet to be a daily driver for any particular use case of mine yet. I’ve tucked away into my “cool projects to check up on at a later date” mental drawer.

True that’s what I use the vast majority of the time, but the OP specifically needed something chromium based.

Yeah it takes a few extra steps to get extensions/chrome store stuff like that. Probably not the best option if you’re just trying to slap it on a work computer in 5 mins.

If you need chromium, your best option is probably ungoogled-chromium which is basically just bare bones chrome with as much telemetry and tracking taken out as possible.

I would have agreed until the hinge broke through my HP Envy x360 screen :-(

Not much of a warning before it happened either, I would look into your model to see if that’s a recurring issue. Apparently you can loosen the tension in the screw on the hinge ahead of time to help avoid it eventually snapping. Good luck either way!

For sure, I think that’s a good rule of thumb and lines up pretty well with “how much this OS relies on your data to make a buck.”

I was reading there too that most of the privacy and security concerns in macOS are in iCloud, but with Advanced Tracking Protection you can make that E2EE now, or just go with an alternative cloud service.

Aw super sweet of you to think of your grandma.

Thank you! HP Envy x360 design flaw solidarity, friend ✊

I think Apple is better out of the box than most other companies in terms of privacy, which comes from a lot more of their profit coming from hardware rather than data harvesting (ie Meta, Google). Although the EFF has said that’s more an indictment of other tech companies than saying Apple is particularly good.

I do think the lack of customization in macOS makes it more difficult to harden your security settings. PrivacyGuides lists their concerns along with their recommended configuration here.

Thanks, Pixel+GrapheneOS has been the most tempting iOS alternative for me so far.

YES, it was super disappointing because otherwise it was a solid laptop. Cracked the corner of my screen and is basically non-portable now. Currently have it hooked up to an external monitor and keyboard just to make it until I can get a new laptop.

Read up on it and apparently it’s been a huge issue in HP’s build quality since at least 2017. There’s a class action lawsuit you can sign up for and hopefully be compensated in some way.

I am leaning towards a new MacBook for the reasons you stated among others. I came here to get some new perspectives, and to explore other options I might not be aware of yet.

Recommendations of non-Apple products with similar longevity?
EDIT: Getting a ton of great responses thanks everyone \<3 Once this is up for 24 hours or so I’ll make another edit summarizing everyone’s recs for future reference. Keep ‘em coming! TL;DR Have any recs for non-Apple phones/laptops that have lifespans of at least 5+ years? Wanted to get everyone’s opinion on want brands/products have worked for them. I’m lightly techy and not afraid to put some effort in, but also don’t want to build everything from scratch. I think Apple’s products are often anti-consumer, anti-privacy, anti-yadda yadda yadda. At the same time, with both phones and laptops, I’ve found my Apple products to have double or even triple the lifespan of any other brand. I did my research and bought a $1000+ HP laptop with Ryzen7 a little over two years ago, and due to a flaw in the hinge which is now subject to a class action lawsuit, the screen has cracked and it’s mostly unusable. Other purchase haven’t failed quite that dramatically but don’t tend to last as long. On the other hand, my or my partner’s old Macbooks and iPhones are easily seeing 5+ years of use in addition to software updates. So let me know what’s worked for you!

Can’t wait for my ram to last 1000 years just for the hinge on my laptop screen to last 2 (guess what just broke on my laptop after 2 years)

I’m no expert but I think it’s the same reason ads are full of hot people: association. If you see an ad for a Baconator enough times next to a neo-Nazi spewing hate speech you’re going to start to link the two in your mind.

True but including their addresses and reposting those along with misinformation about their politics to a board known for violent rhetoric is a major escalation intended to threaten the jurors

Haven’t read the whole report but I believe that pretty much all of these charges are for conduct between Election Night 2020 and Biden being seated as president Jan. 20, 2021, meaning Trump was president at the time.

Check out this one quick and easy meal planning trick that will cut your lifetime grocery bill by 99% (the Geneva Conference hates it!)

Federal judges question Alabama’s new congressional map, lack of 2nd majority-Black district
A panel of federal judges on Monday began a review Alabama’s redrawn congressional map which opponents argue blatantly defies the court’s mandate to create a second district where Black voters have an opportunity to influence the outcome of an election.

Indictment returned in Georgia as grand jury wraps up Trump election probe
A grand jury in Georgia that has been investigating former President Donald Trump over his efforts to undo the 2020 election results in that state has returned an indictment, though it was not immediately clear against whom.

I’ve been debating which console I might want to get for awhile now and this may have been the final straw pushing me towards the PS5. Haven’t been this excited about this game in a long time and there are several other exclusives that look amazing too.

Can’t wait to hear racist diatribes from the new primetime host Tracker Carlsbot

But every advance in communication and information technology makes it easier to surveil or defame, and can be used for bad policing.

So we should just give up and accept surveillance and defamation without trying to come up with any legal counter measures?

Right now there’s a push to regulate the internet to “prevent CSAM” by blocking encryption, and I’m afraid a push to regulate AI will not get better results.

Totally agree that KOSA and the like are awful, but the existence of shitty regulations doesn’t negate the need for positive regulations.

But if we try to go further and impose restrictions on the AI models themselves, this will most likely solidify that AI is controlled by few powerful corporations. After all, highly regulated models by definition can’t be free and open.

I just don’t see this? So regulating powerful companies use of AI will… solidify their power? I’m not connecting the dots here but that might be on me, as I think there are plenty of highly regulated spaces that still see innovation.

Wisconsin Republicans may consider impeachment if recently seated Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice does not recuse herself from redistricting case
Vos said Protasiewicz would likely be violating the oath of office if she doesn't recuse herself from cases involving maps she called 'rigged.'

In case you want any more proof Republicans are just manufacturing outrage for the sake of outrage.

“The undersigned request that you provide U.S. Attorney Weiss the full protections and authorities of a special counsel.”

— Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on September 16, 2022.

“There may be others who would be a worse pick than U.S. Attorney Weiss to be special counsel, but based on the prosecution of Hunter Biden to date, he has got to be close to the worst pick. This is unbelievable.”

— Johnson, in a tweet today.

Source from Political Wire

“Oh no fans might demand good games at release! The horror!”

I currently use primarily Logseq with a little Obsidian because it’s just a really pleasant text editor and Zettlr for long form writing and research. The nice think about keeping it all Makrdown is that I can use any of them depending on what features/UI I need.

Logseq does have the web editor but it’s more of a demo (it’s literally called demo.logseq.com) but it gives you the full vanilla feature set as long as you connect a local directory. I use Logseq Sync just because I was paying to support the team anyway, and it’s worked very well so far. Just ran into an issue where my laptop with most of my notes broke and so I made a portable version of the app to put on a USB and work on a library computer and it ran and connected to my Logseq Sync remote graph surprisingly seamlessly.

The one streaming service I whole-heartedly recommend is dropout.tv. It’s the streaming incarnation of CollegeHumor and was bought out by Sam Reich after being cut from IAC. It’s only $6 a month (and less than $50 for the whole first year) and your subscription directly funds the content creators rather than some huge media conglomerate. It’s niche is basically improv/sketch comedy, game shows, and pop culture chats, plus a lot of DnD. It’s worth it for Game Changer alone which is the funniest game show, and maybe just one of the funniest shows, I’ve ever seen. Many of the Dimension 20 campaigns are amazing as well and Brennan is an excellent DM, in addition to having a great cast to work with.

If I sound like an ad it’s because I pay for basically none of the content I consume but couldn’t in good conscience pirate dropout since it’s independent, overall low-cost, and I enjoy what they make so much I wanted to support them. Rant over!