Armok: God of Blood

ArmokGoB: ArmokGoB

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


Best I can do is a half-assed peaceful protest followed by complaining on Xitter, using words like “unalived.”

I feel like this should work the opposite way: if you can’t keep the genome pure, the crossbred plants aren’t covered by the patent.

I agree that the only way to get better is to do something over and over again. However, there is the more practical issue of there only being 24 hours in a day. I think students should be expected to work less over a longer period of time. I ground myself into dust in undergrad and I wish I just took an extra year of school. It was almost as bad in high school. I was waking up to go to school at 6:30 AM and then not finishing my homework until 10 PM or later.

Instances that don’t allow downvotes do it so that they don’t get totally ratioed for their whack political views.

No, no you misunderstand. Let me translate:

“Die in a hole you filthy peasant. Your life is expendable and you won’t be missed when the police gun you down in the climate riots 20 years from now.”

Let me know when Destiny 2 runs and I’ll come on over.

You can only cut out so many people in so many industries before the economy collapses. I’d like to see what it would look like if like 30% of people lost their careers to AI. Maybe there would finally be a push for UBI and/or stronger tax laws for large corporations.

I love this script. I downloaded so many MIDIs for playing in Mordhau.

Anti-AI people tend to be grifters just as much as the people who think AI (in it’s current form) will solve all our problems.

I’ve been keeping a close eye on it. He said something along the lines of “If you live in the US and the ToS of a piece of software said the publishers could come and shoot your dog, you’d have to prove that they broke some other law, like animal cruelty, to sue them successfully if they shot your dog.” I’m curious to see how companies react if they get a mandate from the EU to preserve games.

My mom showed me what Limewire was when I was a kid. She didn’t know what piracy was.

I know Canada semi-recently said a company would have to honor a deal its LLM came up with. I have to wonder if they would hold people liable for hate speech if they hosted a LLM that outputted Nazi propaganda.

Fun fact:

By default, in the US, you have copyright on anything you write. Putting a CC license at the bottom of your comment is a waste of electrons, unless you’re making it CC for some reason besides a futile attempt at persuading a scraper to not harvest your data.

Ok, despite having a graduate degree I can’t work because of mental illness. My choices are either die of exposure once my savings run out or take a concrete high dive. You can start paying all my living expenses so that I can have a decent quality of life. Otherwise, shut your mouth. You don’t know anything about other people’s suffering.

I went to get a new phone plan and one of the plans I looked at has Netflix included. Am I counted as a subscriber if it comes bundled with something else I need, but never use Netflix?

Best idea I’ve heard in a year. Automation should benefit humanity as a whole.

Even if it’s ruled illegal in the US, there’s nothing stopping AI companies from moving their operations to Japan where copyright doesn’t apply to training data.

My only complaint, based on the image you posted, is that I had to look at the len above the === to tell how many equal signs there were in that operator.

EDIT: After checking the website (and looking at the operator again), the font uses custom ligatures. However, the full version also costs $150.

It’s the opposite of nerd sniping.

Destiny 2 doesn’t have it, and I don’t think BattleBit has it. I don’t really play battle royales anymore. I’m glad it’s becoming more widely used.

Holding down MMB for callouts in online games. Apex and Risk of Rain 2 both do it and it’s super useful.