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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


If you check it and run it through a course and a decent one year guarantee, you should be fine. If it doesn’t fail then it won’t fail for quite some time.

Just make sure to put it in some RAID or parity

I just swapped my >10 year old WD Reds with refurbished used drives at 1/3 of the price, just because i need more space, these things last if you take some care.

Common OpenSUSE W, only ticked HDR in screen settings and everything worked

Some are very rich people, so i see no difference in supporting a big studio or someone with a big mansion and 5 sport cars tbh.

I support people trying to make a living with content either of us enjoys.

“Google parent firm Alphabet employed 182,381 employees as of September 30th, 2023, so roughly a thousand job cuts would only be around half a percent of the company’s total.”

This is just a normal optimization, and holy fuck are they huge.

During the pandemic everyone was over-hiring, it doesn’t exactly tell you what you’ve wrote, but you are right as a whole.

Sadly it is happening, people unpacking their new Windows devices have it as default in their browser and on their desktop.

Don’t think the vast majority is changing it

The EU has to step in again

Double-NAT anyone? 3 times the fun, 2 times the work

Having a decent search will result in more usage, more data and premium features down the road.

Don’t you worry about Microsoft making money

GM was never on the list anyway, i’ve tried a couple ones and i was always surprised how much money they want for their cheap ass interior

Yeah but you can often hack around it and accomplish something similar.

Patenting the use of the voice from the player or NPC behaving naturally are examples which just hurts the whole industry

Rockstar patented NPC showing natural behavior, eg. when feeling cold or hot


No wonder that advancements of immersion in games are moving so slow compared to graphics when these dipshit companies patent every tiny thing.

That’s not innovation

I had some files which rot away over the years, who knows which update borked them, i use it as a cache for real backups for important files

And even milk the console manufacturers maybe?

Fine with me, as long as the PC version is stable patched on release.

4k Max is so much faster than the Shield devices, i actually got upset that i invested so much money in two of them.

Easy, get automation software like Radarr for movies and Sonarr for tv shows, add indexers like Drunkenslug to them, install and connect SABNZBD as the download client to Sonarr and Radarr and lets roll

True, only shitty thing i did was buying lifetime and using it for only two years until i finally dumped it, it corrupted the database 3 times and it isn’t able to be repaired with any tool i’ve found.

Recreating and rescanning for intro-outro detection literally took a day each time, fuck this.

There are so many databases hosted on that machine that i can eliminate hardware fault at that point.

Running Jellyfin has been a really flawless for over a year and intro-outro dectection + auto-skip is also available there, i’m only missing the advertisements of Plex, not in a good way though

Get a reverse proxy and strong passwords if you share with your loved ones.

Plex which completely destroys it’s database all the time?

Look up the repair tools, it’s common.

Jellyfin has been rock solid.

There is more to it with garage doors, what about the current state of the door, do you only want to open it a little bit for more fresh air and close it afterwards, bonus, is a car in there

One relay doesn’t fix this, it is simple but not that simple

I don’t think it’s about loving to shit on something, you can only get burned so often with overhyped games, i rather have the game speak for itself when it’s released.

They are both hacky, but the Docker image is only handling the tasks you want it too, not the whole system, so if it goes haywire it’s not as bad.

I would also not recommend running essentially a cracked server OS handling maybe your most important files.

If you insist to use some Synology application there is this solution:


If you want to, you can save some disk utilization with Autoscan: https://github.com/cloudbox/autoscan

It essentially gets poked by any *arrs that there is a new folder/file in a certain directory and contacts Jellyfin, which picks that up immediately, you can disable Autoscan in Jellyfin then and your content is quicker to access.

It supports multiple sources and targets, and you can even translate paths, in case it differs between source and target.

Nginx Proxy Manager does also manage certificates, it makes it even easier to create separate certificates for different subdomains, which is nice for my sanity.

I don’t like that anybody checking out one certificate of any service and get all the subdomains I’m running too, and wildcard certificates are bad practice.

I was running the LS.io Letsencrypt container as it was named before, and SWAG for years, without any problems, it does its job, but then i’ve tried NPM and it made my life easier, i love the ability to change access rules or proxy settings with some simple clicks too, without having to edit countless config files for simple changes everywhere, that’s what ultimately made me stay there.

Please don’t let this be another Reddit, i didn’t switch because i only wanted to get rid of the platform itself.

If it was only the API, they showed them the stinky finger, bold move.

Anyone buying a full price title without looking it up with a quick Google search or reading reviews on Steam is far gone from my compassion.

You can even refund it so easy it’s not even worth the outcry and i don’t even pretend to care about anyone pre-ordering digital downloads.

It’s shitty that these devs have to put the games out too early, but it would save everybody’s money and nerves if you just start to see releases today as early access because that’s what they all are. There are many companies out there which don’t say a peep and i won’t wreck anyone who at least tries to give a heads-up !pre-release! which anyone who cares could get easily for free.

It needs YouTube to fall first, no one has that kind of money to operate at such a loss for such a long time.

Platforms with a serious offering have no chance until that.