• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I’m not sure how to feel about this. I’m officially diagnosed autistic in my 50s. My always-existing eccentricity got much worse after a major infection after a partial thyroidectomy, the C. difficile infection that followed antibiotics, and the long recovery from that.

If a fecal transplant made my daily life easier, I would do it. I’m tired of being so weird and friendless.

The real Buffy Sainte-Marie is a con artist and thief of indigenous grants.

That was one hell of a report. Incontrovertible.

I don’t understand how they expect anyone to start a business when savings are decimated by inflation, and wages are considerably less than the US.

We homeschool in Canada and have done so long before the pandemic. Technically, what we do is distance education, as my kid has teachers, a proper curriculum, assignments, etc. She’s absolutely thrived with this, where rural public schools were a nightmare of bullying and neglect.

But here there are rules and real requirements. Based on Oliver’s video, homeschooling in the US is an utter shitshow. The anti-intellectualism in the US is incredibly bad.

It always seems strange when my American spouse talks about school lunches. As a Canadian, it’s entirely out of my experience.

I’d like to see stats on how many samples tested positive for fentanyl and other deadly chemicals.

I’d like to see stats on how many samples tested positive for fentanyl and other deadly chemicals.

The vehicles in the recall at 7-12 years old.

Frankly, I really like my 2013 Santa Fe. It’s been very reliable and generally problem-free.

This is in my neighbourhood. Fuck these racist assholes. They do not speak for the far, far majority of people in this area.

We definitely do, but people seem to think that’s a speedy election-cycle process.

Regardless of whether these are built as rentals or for sale, the catch-up to fulfill demand will take decades, and no property developer will do them if they aren’t profitable.

So don’t expect property values to seriously decline. Frankly, what we all need are wages to catch up to the cost of living.

You mean the guy who replaced the Italian Mafia in NYC with the Russian Mafia, then avoided investigation of that because of 9/11, then threw everything behind a president with very questionable connections to Russia, and took several mystery trips to Russia…might have been compromised by the Russians?


Since my books are for TTRPGs, selling on DriveThruRPG has been better by far. I’ve made hundreds of dollars from there and under $10 on Amazon. Amazon tricks authors by allowing them to publish there then pushing those authors to pay to advertise their own books…which I did, but made zero difference. I’m also on Barnes and Noble, but made no money at all there.

However, as an author I’ve used their services to print copies of my books to put in games stores and that’s been very cost effective and made me decent money.

That’s not a bad idea. I’ll message you with a link. Won’t be Amazon, but what I’ll send you is there as well. I make zero money from Amazon sales. It’s a terrible platform for minor authors.

The 90s followed the extremely high interest rates, which were why housing was flat. People couldn’t easily buy in, so demand was reduced.

That is truly a terrible idea, and Amazon should be liable since they do exercise control over what they sell (which I know, because I have two books for sale there).

There is a very limited supply of organs. They need to give them to people who have the best chance of success and longevity.


I can live with Trump leaving and his moronic followers leaving as well. I’d prefer him in prison, of course, but exile until death is acceptable.

Close-to-cause solutions have to start at municipalities. Yes, provinces and federal government can help, but municipalities can solve things quicker.

If I had full control in a large city:

  • Primary mass transit would be expanded to increase the feasible housing areas
  • Building permit offices and zoning authorities would get a complete overhaul, drastically increasing multi-unit housing in preference to single-family dwellings
  • A graduated zoning system would be put in place so multi-unit housing was radically increased near mass transit (near 100% of permits). If people want single-family homes, they would have to live further away from transit.
  • Downtown cores would increase pedestrian-only areas
  • Tax rates for single-family homes would be increased substantially while condos and townhomes would be seriously reduced.

Basically, make single-family homes less appealing for a variety of reasons.

I’m 53, and I think we started being taught metric in grades 3 and 4. For me, the chart is very accurate.

This is extremely accurate, as far as I’ve seen in western Canada.

We had one professionally installed in our previous rural house. It was great most of the time, only really an issue when it hit -25C. However, we didn’t use it as our primary heat…that was propane.

Germantown tap water unsafe to drink after diesel fuel leak, city officials say
Severe thunderstorm on Tuesday caused a diesel leak that made its way into the city water supply.

So…I own a .com domain that’s really, really good as far as being lemmy-related (it has lemmy in the name).

Not exactly a s self-hosted question, and I’m an old geek so I can arrange hosting and set things up myself when I have time, but anyone have a guess as to my traffic costs if I decide to turn it into a federated lemmy instance and open it up to the public? Just looking for thoughts and opinions.

I predict less than 2 weeks before “vigilante strip search” is a thing people have to worry about.

We all need less stupid, bigoted, selfish, aggressive, and violence-supporting people in our lives.

This cannot be said loudly or strongly enough.

Unfortunately, I would expect increases like that to just be tagged onto the eventual selling prices.

I’m not saying it was a misapplication of the resources for one versus the other. I’m saying that an inequal amount of resources is applied depending on “cool factor” or wealth of the victims.

“In dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by fellow conservatives Justice Samuel Alito and Justice Neil Gorsuch”

Of fucking course.

I don’t mind emergency services being deployed, but they need to be evenly deployed. The higher priority was hundreds of drowning immigrants.

Which means they truly know they are peddling bullshit to gullible voters.

He won by a total of just over 75,000 votes. Since them he’s alienated independent voters, created massive tensions in families, spurred an attempted insurrection, stole government secrets, and even turned large swaths of his own party against him…the only way he wins is by causing a civil war.

If he tries, he severely underestimates the actual resiliency of the American system. I know that it seems so risky, but I hope he wins the Republican nomination so that he gets absolutely crushed.

Sure, but that’s a societal and cultural change. I’m talking about a legal change.