Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Historical piracy was never about social justice, especially when you consider that a number of pirates during the 1600-1800s received government’s blessings to operate, so long as they didn’t attack the nation’s ships.

Pirates simply did on sea the same thing highway robbers have been doing on land since the dawn of civilization.

My old PSP3000 is one of my favorite pieces. It hasn’t seen any action in 5+ years now, but it will probably get some around september.

Mandatory jab at the switch. Not awful but cmon, the controls suck

cries in 3 left joycons with drift

Another of my least fave is my laptop’s monitor. It’s an ASUS ROG whose screen sucks major balls. If it ever gets over 40ºC, it starts showing some “scanlines” or something like that, with horizontal lines that don’t refresh correctly or something, kinda hard to describe. In any case, if I ever game straight on it without anything blowing cool air on the screen, games will become unplayable because it’ll reach a point where I literally can’t see shit, because the screen won’t be refreshing correctly, several lines will be “stuck” for 1 second or more. The keyboard is also a piece of shit.

Unless the companies sell their DRM as a service instead of a per-movie-product, nothing would happen, I suppose, other than no more customer support. I suspect any online checks the DRM does is with the movie owners rather than the software developer.

If New Horizons was your first animal crossing game and you were disappointed by the lack of personality that the villagers had, go play the original AC.

Is the original N64/GC the one where other villagers have the most personality? What are some other differences regarding NH, New Leaf and City Folk?

Oh, 2 and 3 are also great on the PSX. Way more missiles than needed for any mission, but the flight controls are amazing

It took me a number of attempts before FFTA grew on me. I’m not too fond of race-locked classes there, or the judges, but the progression felt fun.

Worth noting: Ogre Battle (Tactics Ogre) was released for SNES (then re-released more than Skyrim) and is basically FFT’s father. FFTA’s sprites come straight from TO.

I’ve been hesitant of the mega man games for some reason, I’ll check em out!

I can understand that hesitancy for the NES games. If you never played anything like them, they can feel unfair or too hard. A lot of people love Mega Man 2, but my personal favorite of the NES era is 6, which could be a decent entry point if you ever decide to venture that way. X improves everything and the first is my personal favorite as well (it easily has the best music of the 3, too).

Battletoads, Little Nemo: Dreammaster

Those games are hard as fuck. The train stage in Little Nemo is a nightmare (pun totally intended)

The Thief games are all available on GOG, probably Steam, too, but I prefer GOG.

Mega Man X on the SNES is an amazing trilogy and still holds up. Moving on, X4 and X5 are great to play as well, X6 and beyond can be avoided.

Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 (PSX) are interesting games, a mix of action platforming and light RPG elements, but I have deep nostalgia and still enjoy the games, so you may find them very archaic. Playing the first game, the first thing you should do is change controls so turning around is left/right and L1/R1 strafe.

If you haven’t tried them yet, Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and 3 are well worth playing, but the games can be unforgiving, especially in later levels. While there’s no coyote time, doing a forward attack off a ledge will allow you to jump once anytime during the fall. It’s very clearly a deliberate feature, as some level skips can only be accessed with that trick.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night on the PSX, if you haven’t played yet, you definitely should. This motherfucker stood the test of time with gold marks.

I know you asked to avoid final fantasy-esque titles, but Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) is worth checking out. If the battle system, or the party management/job system, don’t pique your interest (things that you should get a feel within the first 20-30 minutes), then it’s not for you, no problem.

Tekken 3 on the PSX is probably the best 3D fighting game on the console. Graphically ancient by today’s standards, but it still has its charm. Later games got better with more characters and everything, but that game has the normal arcade mode, a “volley” mode and a beat-em’ up mode.

Bomberman games are their own category. The SNES ones are some of the best, but playing them all in sequence will get really tiresome, as the formula doesn’t change. Bomberman World on PSX can be completely avoided, it sucks.

Seeing Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerfucker and Satya Nadella sweating bullets for all the scam spam ads they gleefully allow would be so fucking worth it!

My first experience was with a demo of the first game, it came with 3 maps, the only one that I remember by name being the Battle of Kadesh, despite the 2nd map being the one that I played to absolute exhaustion (it was the map with base building, but no gold), since it was very easy to beat the first computer enemy.

Once I got a 🏴‍☠️ copy of AoE2 (2002-ish?), brother, I spent more time on the map editor than anything else for the first couple of weeks. I loved the huge map size but hated the paltry 200 unit limit. My older brother definitely spent more time playing than I did during that period.

As much as I played, I was always kinda bad at it, mostly because I’m more of a turtle player and always got pissed at how medium AI enemies would always build 4 separate town centers with at least one being very close to my starting area. Yet I would still play and, more importantly, I always loved the numbers and graphics at the end of a game.

Frankly, I think AoE2 really stood the test of time. For a game originally released in 2000 to remain not only relevant but also enjoyable without any official updates or patches for over 15 years (the remaster was announced in 2017) is a noteworthy feat.

I’ve done that with the Sharp X68000, I’ve downloaded the entire collection it has (~18GB). Do I know Japanese? No. Have I even checked if an emulator works with them? Also no. But it’s there

how likely is it that this particular content will still be available on Usenet/torrents in a few years?

I’ve had quite a bit of trouble finding the old Rome Total War some time ago, before the remaster was released. I’ve took the chance to get Medieval 2 as well. Both are sitting on my hard drive, guess they’re worth keeping for longer

I feel like I’m being wasteful, saving up a lot to probably never actually use. Can’t even seed some of the stuff because there are no torrents, so I have to resort to direct download sites way more often than I’d like, no less.

Also, when the zombie apocalypse happens I’ll finally have time to rewatch Breaking Bad so I need an offline copy just in case.

Hope you already got solar panels or some other sort of electricity generator for that

I suspect a number of the larger ones are CD games with multimedia (video) experience. I mean, the original Command and Conquer used 2 CDs

How often do you consume the stuff you pirate? How do you avoid “hoarding”?
Asking mostly because I have fuckloads of video courses, plus a number of movies, that I have yet to even check if the content is as good as their titles imply and I really feel like I'm mostly hoarding this stuff because I have no fucking clue.

“will this large spend ever pay off?”

That’s the neat part: it won’t!

You know what, if I have a boy one day, I’ll name him Pascal. Hopefully, he won’t develop a lisp

Imagine a cabal of COBOL programmers called Cobol or Co Ball

Only the drivers’ dicks can fit in that space now

So long as you’re willing to skip the first 8 minutes and play the next 20 seconds at 0.25 speed, where he very quickly glances over the problem, then goes on for another 10 minutes to talk about something unrelated in minute detail

I think for ongoing properties, it could create an interesting competition between different companies/artists, and I’d expect the original creators to fully cash in on “I’m the creator of [whatever], this is the real canon!” in order to keep loyal customers/fans

I fully expect game companies to not like this one bit, because live service games, like World of Warcraft or Fortnite, would, sooner or later, have to release source code in the public domain, allowing anyone to check it, create identical, better or worse clones or, worse, hacking tools that might still work on the more current version.

For stuff like the current offering of Adobe that relies so fucking much on “the cloud”, now that would be tricky and another significant battle, as they’d eventually have to give up the code for Illustrator, Photoshop, etc, as well as whatever server software their cloud uses, or point to said cloud’s owner. The same would apply for Autodesk, Corel, Microsoft, Apple and Google. Imagine finally having an open source Windows XP! 😆

EDIT: What is a lot more likely to become problematic is server-side bank software and some government software that is used for a country’s respective army or intelligence services. Boy, THOSE will definitely fight, or want a very specific clause for their cases, which makes sense.

Are you saying that the copyright is held too long?

I personally think so. 20-30 years for the authors would be enough, in my opinion. For company held copyright, it should be 8-12 years, counting from the date of creation - transferring the rights back to an individual would NOT give any extra time

That’d make basically every game and movie become public domain after a decade or so. If you applied 30 years of copyright to everything, nowadays we’d have public access to every game released up to 1994, which means the majority of the SNES and Mega Drive/Genesis catalogs.

Too bad any change wouldn’t apply retroactively, so we’d still have to wait for the 2030s to come by before 1940s stuff becomes public domain.

This one. It’s basically an upside down Mega Drive/Genesis controller for one of the Brazilian famiclones, with turbo buttons for A and B

Title mentions speaking italian

Not a single hand gesture anywhere

I’ve been duped

Someone should upload those to the Internet Archive, just in case.

Or upload them to a yandex drive

I miss the times when ads were just annoying gifs on the left or right side of a web page. Then they evolved, abusing javascript, to become pop ups that hid the URL bar and opened 3 dozen different pop ups while you didn’t close the mother popup. Then they started clickjacking: that close ad button? Just opens another ad. Ad infinitum.

Now, effectively editing the video to add an ad somewhere instead of serving it as a side file. The advertising industry as a whole feels like the absolute worst villains at a personal level, because they want to target you individually.

And you can still get (non-flagship) phones with the fucking 2.5mm jack

I’m partially aware of people not liking Rebel Galaxy Outlaw as a sequel, though I never read into the whys, though if you can actually pilot in all 6 degrees of freedom, that’s a plus for me.

What was that exclusive deal? Something with Sony?

Been playing Rebel Galaxy on and off a bit. It’s decent enough, think of it as a Freelancer lite, big emphasis on “lite”. It’s more “naval combat in space” than any sort of space game.

Also some Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, I really suck at it but it’s so flashy and fun!

> With efforts to resuscitate Neopets ramping up, monthly users have nearly tripled to 300,000 in the past six months, and the company is on track to be profitable by the end of 2024, [current Neopets Team CEO] Law said. Also notable: > Law said that rather than cracking down on fan-created components, the company is embracing them. It launched a “Neopass” login system that allows users to access games across the Neopets system, including third-party and fan-made games.

Been playing 🏴‍☠️ Palworld, I’m surprised online functions flawlessly! Also some notes for would be downloaders
Although playing online works, I haven't tried a direct connection/invite with another person, due to me lacking PC master race friends. In the general server list, I think the SA region stands for South America? In any case, my ping was really high, so actually playing online is not feasible for me. > I'm using IGG games' torrent version, it was a simple extract and run. The fake steam account name defaults to NooB, so I recommend you change it in the following folder: `%appdata%\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\settings` - The account_name.txt is just the shown name, while the user_steam_id.txt is the acc number. I've changed both. Keep in mind that changing the id might make your saves disappear, so you'll have to create a new world, then copy over the save files - `%appdata%\Local\Pal\Saved` If you're a fan of survival crafting, this game is a must play. The fact that you can play solo and change the world settings (exp rate, stamina depletion, hunger, etc) anytime before entering makes it perfect for all skill levels. I just think the default capture rate is too low, but I guess it makes more sense when you're online in a guild? No idea how many hours I've spent playing, but I'm definitely buying this game in a few months.

RIP Pascal creator Niklaus Wirth
The extra links in the article are great stuff. I'm very curious about checking out Oberon

Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I’ve seen
cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/7647192 > Basically, it's a game about making and *changing* rules, much like actual legislative bodies. Each player proposes a new rule and the other players vote to approve it or not. > > Who wins? Whoever reaches the victory condition. What's the victory condition? That'll depend on the rules at the time, which might change in the next turn. > > > Nomic is a game in which changing the rules is a move. In that respect it differs from almost every other game. The primary activity of Nomic is proposing changes in the rules, debating the wisdom of changing them in that way, voting on the changes, deciding what can and cannot be done afterwards, and doing it. Even this core of the game, of course, can be changed. > > — Peter Suber, The Paradox of Self-Amendment

Which language you wish would really grow and reach mainstream adoption?
Assume mainstream adoption as used by around 7% of all github projects Personally, I'd like to see Nim get that growth.

Any torrent sites with relatively lax sign up/upload rules? Or some place to easily upload torrents
I've been thinking about putting some stuff that I can only find on direct download sites up as torrents, but most places I can access either have fake sign up/login links, or have very strict rules, like torrentgalaxy requiring at least 5 uploads per month for 3 months

Warpath V2 in the works: bigger fight scale and smaller mini scale
cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/1438545 > A bit late on the announcement, but for those interested, it looks like Warpath is being reworked into becoming a competitor to Epic 40k. A very rough draft of the rules is available for download in their blog post as well.

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/462543 > Title. > > There's also a version on the Play Store, but you should **definitely get the F-Droid version**. It's the one with the full features enabled. > > It lets you fully block some apps' access to the internet, including system apps. Depending on your phone manufacturer, like Xiaomi and Samsung, they can be extremely invasive and show ads on your stock apps.

TLDR of the article: Google is showing ads outside of YT, in those side players that everyone hates while they just want to read articles, but counting them as normal views.

Title. Have fun and patience, because downloads off archive are very slow. Also, if y'all know a decent place to share some of that stuff again, comment so me and others can grab it off the archive and reup it elsewhere for easy access **EDIT:** Not everything is still archived. Just tried to peruse Starfinder folder, and it has been deleted from Archive. Some other folders and files are still working

Is Soulseek safe?
I saw another post asking how to set up Soulseek and, at first glance, it looks like those old P2P file sharing platforms, like eMule, Kazaa or Limewire. As someone who used those during their peak, I'm well aware of the risks of getting unwanted stuff, not to mention that you're fully exposed within the network. Does Soulseek deal with those issues, or are users exposed to those risks as well?

Is there a SD or microSD card reader hub product?
I know there are several USB hub dongles that could be used in a similar manner, but what I'm looking for is something that occupies a single USB port and offers 3+ slots for SD and/or microSD cards, letting me browse them all from my computer. Are there any such products? I'm ok with buying off Aliexpress