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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 25, 2023


What kind of system that depends on centralized servers can ever be secure from government snooping?

With properly implemented E2EE it can be less of a problem because at least the message content isn’t readable to them. Metadata though

They were making some weird call to arms to me to campaign for Democrats. I said I’m not gonna do that because (maybe unexpectedly for them, since Yanks assume this a lot) I’m not a Democrat, I’m not even an American. That’s all there is to it.

Would it be possible to be more specific? I really don’t get what part is supposed to be gaslighting or trolling or how. If you mean literally every part then could you at least explain what made you thinks it was gaslighting, trolling or some combination of those.

I genuinely have no idea what part about what I wrote was supposed to be gaslighting or trolling. You are acting mad weird over me saying Demcorats are going to struggle to win

Ah, I get what you mean. Yes the other person started acting like In was some Republican partisan for saying that the odds are stacked pretty high against Democrats (and I didn’t want to answer his call to action for Democrats since I’m not even American). It’s weird, sorta cultish behavior. If the campaign now relies on keeping their heads in the sand then they’re absolutely fucked. That’s now way to win anything.

I don’t know if polls and all analysts and whatnot are what you’d call a narrative. The odds of Democrats winning this are poor. That’s just how it is.

It’s similar to my narrative that betting on a number on roulet, you probably won’t win. I bet some gambler will get mad about me maintaining that narrative too.

If me saying what everyone is already predicting is “building energy for the Trump campaign” then you truly are fucked.

I think it’s more that the candidate you’re running isn’t great and the candidate running against you just got a hell of a boost on top of the lead he already had. Hard to believe you’re going to turn this around.

Quit being a debbie downer and try!

I’d rather let you figure out your own elections

What I will say is what upsets me is [Democrats] saying we will lose. For me, to a certain extent, I don’t care what name is on there. We are not losing. I don’t know about you, but my community does not have the option to lose. My community does not have the luxury of accepting loss in July of an election year. My people are the first ones deported. They’re the first ones put in Rikers. They’re the first ones whose families are killed by war.

But you probably are going to lose

Could be that it is hosting services that are only actively used instead of passively doing stuff, so no real need to have the server on when you’re sleeping. For me turning it off and on again would be more of a hassle than it’s worth it.

I guess it would be easier to leave through it since nobody is watching you leave. That’s probably the idea

We’ve had these in Finland at some stores. Seems to work fine imo. Sometimes I forget I put the receipt in my pocket and it’s annoying but usually I do that mistake once and next time I remember.

Not out of the way but they are the ones who searched for it and posted it here

No höh, ei löytynyt mitään kun etsiskelin. Varmaan mennyt peukkua näyttämään tai jotain yhtä dramaattista ja se sitten ylitulkittu.

It’s going to be cheaper and fulfills OP’s need. I don’t know what else you’d want, what better things were you looking for?

Jellyfin and Miniflux are internet facing because it would be turbo annoying otherwise to deal with them

You just… get used to things. Like how you first got used to your keyboard to begin with

DuckDNS and Caddy are what I use and those were piss easy. But yeah, inertia. If it works and you’re happy with it, why change

Then again, with Jellyfin you don’t have to pay for hardware transcoding. That is the one that really bothered me. It seems insane you’d have to pay to properly utilize your own hardware.

I’m not sure if voting for an another party can be seen inherently as voting against someone else. I suppose that’s what it is but voting against seems like it would take an active part in the reason you’re voting, rather than just preferring another party.

Well for Finland I have experience from all over and pay toilets aren’t rare in cities. From Tallinn or Stockholm, it was like that at least in city centers, not sure I would call those touristy places or just high-traffick places. Touristy places make me think more of old towns and such.

I see it occasionally in Finland. Saw it a lot in Estonia. Saw a few in Sweden.

You’re looking at the ass through your gameplay?

You can issue commands to singular services or group them under an alies if needed.

But I have around a dozen stacks atm and I never came across a situation that I wanted to trigger an *arr stack restart with Jellyfin’s. They’re pretty much unrelated and independent services from an operational view.

I’m more talking about pull, up -d. It’s convenient having it all behind a single command, unless there’s a special need to have them separated

Having a single compose file for multiple unrelated services sounds like a nightmare to stop, start and debug if one of your containers is acting weird.

You can do “docker compose (servive) start/stop/restart” and so on

There’s no point in having them in the same file

Convenience is the reason for a lot of people

I’m doubtful of it too, but stuff like this is hard to dispel, whether true or not