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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


People are very resistant to change that reduces their expertise so that doesn’t really surprise me.

Only on the VIC20 and Atari STe. On the VIC20 you had to write the assembler, manually convert it to machine code and enter that into the computer. There was a cartridge with an assembler, debugger and an extra 3.5Kb memory for it but I never got one.

Frankly, if your test suite isn’t catching 95% or more of the bugs, there’s a problem with the test suite and if uat aren’t catching 95% or more of the remainder, there’s a problem with uat

Tell me that you don’t have a test suite without telling you don’t have a test suite

Imagine using extra characters in your variable names. And they say Java is verbose…

I thought it highlighted the line number in blue when it was your code. I use eclipse so can’t properly remember

Does your IDE not highlight the lines written by you in a different colour? Of course that doesn’t help when it’s an error in production!

Try Learn CPP or the Beginners course by John Purcell. The later has a really cool project but teaches an older C++ style which doesn’t matter too much as a beginner. Both are free.

But what does an Arch using vegan who does cross fit talk about first?

Lemmy’s code formatter has a bug where it escapes the less than symbol <

The brains interpretation of the pressure waves beating against the eardrum.

It’s a good way to wake yourself up in the morning

Nah man, you dumb down the interface and the users get dumber to match :|

Maybe it’s doing the right thing but is badly named

Jetbrains IDEs (IntelliJ and Pycharm) and QtCreator. I also use git, gcc, and valgrind.

Obviously, you patch the IDE so it doesn’t

Centralise what’s decentralised and decentralise what’s Centralised and you’ll look like a genius.

… and those who were expecting a ternary joke

The sad truth is that people are stupid enough to use this.

Android Studio itself doesn’t seem to be that resource hungry but the emulator on the other hand…

Maybe we should all host our shitty code on github and make the ai psychotic!

I’ve had job interviews where I had to hand-write a basic cms with no Internet access. With my handwriting that’s not good.