Tinkerer, Gamer, Programmer, Jack of all trades.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 31, 2023


Idk all the particulars, I just know my S7 is still not bootloader unlockable, and pretty sure previous galaxy phones weren’t either. That was my last Samsung. Not sure if this was a US thing, a T-Mobile/Sprint think (who I had back then), or a Samsung thing. But HTC and Pixel phones seemed to always be unlockable.

Samsungs (at least the ones I had) don’t have unlockable bootloaders. And the pixel, well custom Roms don’t fix hardware issues.

no no no, its not a critique specifically of you. Native english speakers do this all the time. And I’m sure its inevitable that “comparatively” will make that transition too.

I’m interested: is there a german word to replace "vergleichsweise " to more explicitly mean “comparison”?

True, true…

Aside: Back in my day, we could use the term “relatively” to mean “in relation to” some other thing. Over time it became “in relation to the average thing” instead of a specific thing. Now it just means “a little bit”/“sort of”. Now people use “comparatively” to convey what “relatively” used to mean. Except… you just now seem to be making that same “relatively” transition with the word “comparatively”. I just find language interesting, and wonder what the next “relatively” will be once that meaning has been lost even to “comparatively”.

There are 2 types of people, the 2/3 year people, and the 20-life people. 10 is a lot to the 2/3 year people… but not to the others

Thanks for the heads up on the coy fish, they’re a great watch.

So you’ve used TS and wouldn’t opt to kill it?!

Tbh I’ve only used JS and don’t know how different JS and TS are outside the typing.

I’ll have to look into the latest androids, but I’m sure the only one that’s really a contender will be the latest Pixel. I love the option to use Graphene OS also.

I’m no apple shill, but every Samsung I’ve had felt great for a few months. And rapidly started to run like absolute shit. Then I swore off them for a couple of years, and came back when everyone was like “this one’s different, it’s not like the ones before” and then I had the same issue. So I got a Pixel, and that was so much better software wise. But that pixel 2 had a design defect that saw lots of devices having GPS problems and that was annoying as hell when I was trying to do Uber.

My past 2 phones have been iPhones. Not perfect, I miss lots of the customization and developer level control over stuff… but my phone works, reliably. I was pissed about throttlegate , I had one of those phones affected, but the phone was like 4/5 years old… and I decided that my experience with other phones was worse, and got another iPhone.

I’m feeling the need to upgrade again, and while I can’t endorse a lot of the anti-consumer shit apple does… I need a reliable phone. So, hopefully there’s another option out there for me.

I mean, they only put that on consumer grade devices. lol

Performance wise, sure… but I also believe that’s the model that, if you’re lucky, will fry itself to 100% uselessness, and make your data completely unrecoverable.

If you must use a MacBook, keep backups, and keep AppleCare on it. Just consider it your apple device subscription.

The self-repair scheme is a facade, they charge just as much for you to do it yourself as they would charge to do it for you.

As far as touch/face-id, all you have to do is have the registered fingerprints tied to the sensor. If you switch sensor, then finger/face needs to be re-registered. In fact, I think it already works that way, but with the added unnecessary step of getting daddy cook’s kiss of approval in the new sensor.

Trackpads have come a long way on windows laptops, one major thing to lookout for is “precision trackpad”, Microsoft has this new standard which actually brings their trackpads into the realm of apple. Though specific implementations can still vary a bit.

I’m about to give some good and bad:

Apple is horrid for repair, and has some serious shortcomings in design. Their newest laptops now have a not insignificant chance to self-destruct in a completely unrecoverable way.

But the performance is great, battery life is sublime, sleek and rigid case design. Plus the ecosystem perks of you own multiple apple devices.

But because of the design issues, you MUST put significant thought into which upgrades you buy bc you’ll never be able to change the configuration of your laptop. Make sure to have a solid backup strategy. And factor apple care plus into your pricing, bc it’s necessary with these devices. Only apple can fix 95% of problems with your laptop, and without apple are plus their repair pricing is insane. Even with apple care you may have to struggle significantly with them to get certain things covered. It’s just part of the game if you want to buy one of their devices.

I really won’t want to have to be armed, but I’m feeling more and more compelled.

Agreed, but for words like that to make such a shift, there was a period where the words were still super offensive and used anyways. And if we are more enlightened now, we should have less of these words going forward. Like I think we’ve largely stopped such a transformation of the word “retard(ed)”.

I was practically a toddler when the others came out, I’m speaking of the one released less than a month ago.

You can do things to improve security with root access. Better yet, with boot loader access you can make your phone much much more secure with graphene os

Baldurs gate has almost no tutorial for non-gamers, there is SO much assumed you know.

Yeah, I think the connection between being on a raised platform and dancing is stripping. Making this a horribly tone deaf, if not intentionally undermining, joke.

… I took a second to consult ChatGPT…

Other connections seem to be all related to a performance of some type. I very much doubt this joke was not about stripping.

That’s actually kind of fucking disgusting behavior. Like I’ve said elsewhere, they make stupid throwaway sexual jokes in so many videos, it’s easy to imagine it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I mean, what’s another way of easily conveying the same idea. “Those people who you might not typically consider to be X”?

I feel like I’ve seen and heard normies used in a variety of contexts, to refer to people outside of a particular group. Not to say they can’t be in the group, or that there’s anything wrong with them.

But then again, what do I know.

I think the main method of discovery is through your network, and through your local instance. Federated timeline tends to be chaotic, but I definitely like reading my local timeline on my regional masto instance. But I believe that was the intention on the design, no ‘trending’, no algorithm, just the people you follow.

Your comment seems to imply it’s a bad thing. Do you have bad experiences with censorship?

Thanks, yeah, I definitely am the kind of person to wish for a second holocaust. /thread

guess this rule doesn’t apply to admins

Right, and it sounds like people want more restrictions. So it started with some reasonable restrictions baked into the bill of rights, and we’ve been losing rights at an alarming rate, so if people are already on board then I imagine we’ll get more restrictive speech legislation.

Are we supposed to?

Idk there’s comments here, I was expecting to get all the relevant parts extracted for me (as I do in other posts I come across)

I don’t know all the forms of regex but might it be useful to have this capable of compiling to different types of regex?