She / They blobhaj, flag, bisexual

Yuri lover with Touhou brainrot.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023



The modern concept of police is relatively recent, it was invented during the industrial revolution. In Rojava they replaced the police with community patrols whose members are elected and accountable for their actions. Different ways are possible.

Apparently it started happening this past week, but we personally just felt it today.

Since yesterday for me on Tubular. No video seems to load but live streams still work fine.

they won’t go completely bust as long as they don’t go completely mad and start declaring that it can do things it can’t do.

Which is exactly what’s happening.

Good thing about this is it’s self selecting, all the technobros who obsess over AI will find themselves bankrupted like when the blockchain bubble bursted.

Oh, I’m definetly bookmarking this thread. Thank y’all for the recommendations.

It’s a bit hard to explain sometimes to people who think that the AI really “thinks”

If I had the patience, I’d try to explain the Chinese Room though experiment to the people that misunderstand AIs. But I don’t, so I usually just shut up 🙂

Not much. I totally agree with Linus Torvalds in that AIs are just overhyped autocorrects on steroids, and I despise that the artwork generators are all based on theft.

Pretty much all I use them for is to make my life easier at work, like turning a quick draft into a formal email.

Technobros and a tenuous understanding of how the real world works, name a more iconic duo.

Never I thought I’d be reading about a wheelchair locked behind paywalls. What a ridiculous world we live in.

Edit: I’m glad you figured something out and that those profiteers won’t get a cent out of it.

This sucks, but I’m also morbidly curious of how unhinged an AI trained on Tumblr posts would be.

You’ll be stressing about it when the emus take power.

I don’t know how they can read the bible and say that Trump is the sort of person it heralded

That’s the neat part: they have never opened that book.

It’s not clear if Israel actually plans on exterminating all Palestinians, but it sure seems like that’s where they’re leading things.

Well, obviously not ALL of Israel. The prime minister doesn’t have 100% popular support, but the fascist ghouls he hangs out with have gone mask-off many times saying they want to kill as many Palestinians as they can.

Like I don’t understand what the Wayland haters are trying to get at

New things bad.

I use both, but I like Invidious more, especially for posting things on Lemmy.

First they strip people’s internet privacy, then they ban VPNs, now protests…

What the hell is happening to France?

Never gonna let = MyVariable down

Uh uh.

checks op’s history

obvious sea lioning



Now I’m planning to wait to buy Starfield for at least 6+ months until the developers unpaid modders iron out the bugs.

Oh, he didn’t just “accidentally” fall from a window like usual? They upped the budget.

The value of living somewhere isn’t only about GDP, it’s also about the quality of life. Touristy places are loud as the apocalypse, everything’s expensive, finding a house is hard because of all the B&Bs, there’s shitty drivers everywhere, parking is a nightmare… and all the infrastructure built to accommodate tourists is used only for 4 months a year, for the rest of the year the burden of maintenance is payed by the locals.

And if big corporations like Airbnb are involved, most of the income generated from tourism gets siphoned out of the city for some foreign shareholder to pocket anyway.

I can’t believe no one said Crusader Kings 2 nor Dwarf Fortress yet. The tutorial in CK II is so bad, it somehow makes thing more confusing, it is much better to just start a game in an easy location like Ireland and learn the game by yourself.

Dwarf Fortress has a tutorial nowadays, but I started playing it many years ago when you had no choice but to alt-tab to the wiki and figure out things on your own.

Oh no, if people remember that games are supposed to be good, no one will buy our lootbox-infested crap anymore.
