• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Good. Now, extending this logic, if I have ZERO WATCH HISTORY of shorts videos on my account, then… STOP CLOGGING MY SUBSCRIPTION FEED WITH SHORTS!!!

Can someone please explain telemetry to me in this context? Is telemetry just a broad umbrella term for usage data or does it indicate a specific type of data or category of data?

Of course there are degrees of usefulness and different types of organizing, but generally, your wrong here in your first point. Some merit in your second claim, but overall, it’s something they likely feared to a degree as a point of connection and amplification of information.

He needs daddy’s approval and the other billionaires are surrogate daddy. That would be the social agenda influence you’re referencing. Look at how desperate and odd he was on stage with dave chapelle, that was a core view into his base self, he needs to be praised. He’s also a eugenics/natalism cult member and sees the wealthy as his equal, superior “race” of people - so he would 100% sacrifice a lot for even their passing approval.

They didn’t raise the issue, it’s already on top of the mountain… of bullshit… that is modern politics.

Get these fucking people out yesterday. Driving tests (and politician tests) annually, after 75.

No it isn’t.

No… No it’s not… But you can imagine what’d be like if it was, right?

People are listening, you’re watching too much corporate news - they are angling him as legitimate to “make a race” and get ratings. These cynical fucks aspire to be the announcers of the hunger games one day so they can wear the glitter makeup and be the center of attention.

Trump’s base is a dwindling 25% of those who vote, he already lost last time and his indictments should add up to something. The problem with our gerrymandered kleptocracy is that the federal elections come down to Shirley in Ohio/Pennsylvania. Shirley did the right thing last time around but she’s back at the prom now and everyone wants to dance with her - how will she vote? Suburban moms in the Midwest, mostly non-college educated, hold the fate of the future in their live, laugh, love scripting hands…

So when you say “people aren’t facing up to” the people of not here are Shirley and her friends. I don’t know if she’s convinced that trump is a viable candidate after Jan 6, the stacking indictments, Biden’s moderate centrist progresses, and the Florida nutjobs as a mock trial of what would come from a gop win in '24, but keep the pressure on until the election regardless.

I’m sure they are bad, because general corporation and enshittification cycle, but when someone consistently mentions, “a single tweet” or something like that that they represent as purely innocuous (but without any explanation or link to source), gets my suspicious radar WAY up…

On purpose.

Only clearer by the day that this was all an exercise to intentionally kill Twitter to the benefit of billionaires, fascists and other extremists.

Twitter existed as a relatively free and open public space to communicate, organize and assemble to take actions for and against things at scale before musk (e.g. The Arab Spring, a terrifying moment for the Saudis especially - the second largest shareholder behind musk).

When people collectively laughed at elon and his cringe, inbred, emerald boy antics or his humiliating divorce and other routine failures, Twitter was the bullhorn.

Now elon and his desperate far right Toadies will work to try to rewrite reality so they can eventually have this conversation:

"Twitter? What’s a Twitter? Wait, are you talking about blork? A bird? No, blork’s logo is a dinosaur with chainsaw arms… and everyone wants to be his best friend… and it’s against the law to divorce him… and he’s cool… and…"

What an everlasting tool history will remember you as, elon. If they remember you at all, it will be to laugh at you - you’ll never outrun that.

Only clearer by the day that this was all an exercise to intentionally kill Twitter to the benefit of billionaires, fascists and other extremists.

Twitter existed as a relatively free and open public space to communicate, organize and assemble to take actions for and against things at scale before musk (e.g. The Arab Spring, a terrifying moment for the Saudis especially - the second largest shareholder behind musk).

When people collectively laughed at elon and his cringe, inbred, emerald boy antics or his humiliating divorce and other routine failures, Twitter was the bullhorn.

Now elon and his desperate far right Toadies will work to try to rewrite reality so they can eventually have this conversation:

"Twitter? What’s a Twitter? Wait, are you talking about blork? A bird? No, blork’s logo is a dinosaur with chainsaw arms… and everyone wants to be his best friend… and it’s against the law to divorce him… and he’s cool… and…"

What an everlasting tool history will remember you as, elon. If they remember you at all, it will be to laugh at you - you’ll never outrun that.

Not pretty, but Kenesis (sp?) is the winner. Tried many available options through work, stuck with their design for years now.

“Folding Ideas” does amazing work on YouTube around exposing grifters in well structured, long form explanations of their grifts.

One of their videos looked into a group of growth hustler type folks, a pair of twins. Part of their scam was automating the process of creating fake books like this from start to finish to sell them online for passive income.

Highly recommend anything this channel creates. Worth your time to have a focused sit to watch the journey unfold (especially if interested in the main subject of this post).


Seems you’re trying to cosign garbage.

If witnesses are tampered with and trump/nauta were given the list exclusively outside of prosecution, it narrows the view of what likely happened.

If the list is wide public, the leonard leos and roger stones of the world can go attempt to tamper with these people on trump’s behalf.

You’re trying to say the wrong thing with confidence and hoping nobody calls you on it.

Try not to link if you can, just screenshot or copy text. Don’t need to drive any traffic to that pit of despair.

“upgrades” “soon”

Anything to say about the timing of this announcement, Reddit? Goons.

This reporting is so refreshing, I hope the reporters are rewarded for the effort and Alito carries this stain, along with the rest of the festering collection at SCOTUS.

We have a captured, illegitimate top court. Each day the US proceeds with this charade only extends this dark era that history will look back on with disgust.

May I suggest a refreshing trip to the Titanic to lift your ailing billionaire spirits?

Learn from Reddit, don’t give corporations the power to do so and they can’t inevitably abuse that power.

Invent the problem, then sell the solution.

Just fix search that you intentionally broke so that it returns all relevant results, inhumane cowards.

Look around and realize how you got here to Lemmy/kbin/beehaw/etc - you were betrayed by a few VC-captured executives that made profit-blinded, consumer-hostile decisions about an important product you used frequently. They ruined it.

Anyone here defending digital media or saying it’s not that bad or they should have done a digital lending system, you’re not remembering the recent past.

The only acceptable ground to give here is NONE. Physical media needs to start mandatory, or your purchases are never owned and you’re always at risk and at the whims of someone like Spez.

There is a HUGE delta between “meaningless” and “not enough”.

You can attempt to spin all you’d like, but people can read your comments and draw their own conclusions.

If you pour any non-Apple proprietary liquids into the mug (i.e. poor people liquids), the cup turns green to signal to bystanders that you’re less worthy of love.

I think this is a drawback of not having more specialized communities in beehaw yet - I’m not sure if this advice is very niche advice or if it has some value in general awareness for the layperson?

Normally I’d look up and see “r/DevChat” or some such distinct community name and have immediate context of, “that’s not really for you to figure out”. But this is essentially “r/technology” so I’m left wondering if I personally can take anything of value from this post.

Not a criticism or complaint, just an observation.

No… I was obviously referring to you providing no support of your claim that this will have little/no impact. As others have rightly pointed out, this will impact about 100 million Americans for the next year+ at least. An EO is permission for government workers to do more. It’s guidance for regulatory agencies and lawyers to show teeth with the full support of the white house. It does mean something, it’s also not a magic pen and paper. But many are better off today than they were yesterday and hopefully that increases with time.

Nobody claimed this was the one single and final fix for every one of the ills of society, but that seems to be the strawman you’re responding to.

You’re purposefully trying to downplay impact without any factual support. It’s harder to take away benefits from people than it is to give them. Let the next R president (that of course won’t win the popular vote) try to remove access and take that L with the centrist suburban swing state female voters that often influence elections.

This isn’t an end all be all solution, but it’s FAR from a meaningless gesture.

…usability over privacy.

^ The eternal struggle that most likely leads to our eventual downfall as a society.

good illustration of how we pay for brand and packaging, but in many cases they all just come from the same factory.

If you’re going to ever say, “yeah, we know…” you should take a moment to acknowledge that was the exact strategy of bombarding the public with a constant stream of scandal, crime and controversy - to numb you to real issues like this, worth actual outrage and attention.

I know it’s overwhelming, I feel it too, but I work to not indulge that feeling when I can avoid it. Glad you came back a second time and read the article.

He didn’t just “put out his own statement”. Propublica reached out to him for comment on this article, he didn’t respond and then he scrambled to have an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal hours later (always worth saying that that is a Rupert Murdoch owned company). It was a poor attempt at damage control by a weasel trying to get ahead on spinning the narrative.

Wonderful journalism, wow. I will say that it did take too long to read that Leonard Leo planned/coordinated the whole trip. This Supreme Court is so fully out in the open fucked.

In a legitimate society with a sliver of integrity this would not be tolerated.

ATTENTION: If you’re actively employed by and working at Reddit…
Hey there, friend :) I just wanted to mention to you directly that you are a human being and you have choices here. First acknowledging that you do need to stay employed of course and I don't blame you, as the worker, for helping Reddit during this moment. But there are these few moments each day at your work where you can make small, deliberate decisions on behalf of your fellow human beings over hollow corporate furtherance. Just do a bit less each day. Forget to send an email here and there. Copy the wrong "Debbie" or "Todd" in that email that you do send - honest mistake. Forget to ban that mod you are asked to ban, or forget one in the group. If you're feeling bold, get off of your work machine and reach out to those mods on a dummy account with a heads up. Again, not you're fault as an individual either inn a broken system, but you probably have small opportunities every day to help the world and hurt Reddit a bit. Embrace those opportunities. We believe in you.

The American Bar Association has no integrity. The people in trump’s orbit who are allowed to practice law (heavy emphasis on the practice part) in obvious bad faith is a joke. Obvious grounds for these people to be disbarred left and right and nothing meaningful happens.

It’s a sham org.

A solicitation for tip BEFORE any service is rendered is essentially blackmail.

“Hey, not for nothing, but sometimes pancakes can fall on the floor before they get into your to-go bag… I’m just saying… Anyways, here’s this tip screen, no pressure [holds eye contact]”

What an embarrassing day for this twice impeached, insurrectionist traitor and convicted rapist with two active indictments and more on the horizon.

Are there any sites or communities tracking all Fediverse mobile apps released or in development?
So far I'm only using Jerboa on Android, but I imagine some of you are working hard to stand up new experiences? Would be especially interesting to know of apps being developed by any of the Reddit 3rd party devs that are being displaced by Reddit's surging greed.