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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


Yeah it’s a weird thing about parasocial relationships. You like someone based on things you’ve seen about them on TV and then you start feeling like you know them. But really, nope you don’t.

I think it’s fine to like famous people, but just understand that you don’t really know them. If you later find out they’re a horrible person well then don’t like them anymore and it’s no big deal. You only like the things you know about the person, but if you avoid going down the road of feeling like you really know them, it’s fine.

When Trump left office he took classified documents with him which was illegal. Like he possessed something it was illegal to possess. it’s over three years later and the prosecution is still underway.

So it’s very doubtful that a crime he just committed will be prosecuted before November. Though it will be prosecuted at a future date, if people go out and vote to keep him from being President again.

Yeah I feel like Radiohead cancelling a tour date in Tel Aviv isn’t going to result in Netanyahu making compromises at the bargaining table. It’s just guys like Roger Waters (a tankie Putin simp) thinking they’re more important than they really are. It’s sort of like that time Dennis Rodman went to north Korea or Sean Penn went to Iraq to try to negotiate deals with various authoritarians. Just celebrities with big egos thinking they matter in an area where they’re way out of their element. Play music for your fans in Israel or don’t play music there, either way it doesn’t change anything.

Honestly I think the whole “the world needs to turn against all of Israel” idea is doing more harm than good. Expressing hatred towards an entire country doesn’t facilitate negotiation.

It’s a hit piece on musicians for playing in a country the writer hates. Also it’s not even clear that they’ve played in Israel in the past two years… quotes from Nick Cave were from 2022 and the quote from Radiohead is from 2017.

It’s really ugly when people are researching anyone that has ever been to Israel so they can target them for a hit piece. Like what’s going on here?

Thom Yorke’s quote seems reasonable:

Playing in a country isn’t the same as endorsing its government. We don’t endorse [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu any more than Trump, but we still play in America.

I mean yeah, was it morally wrong to visit the US when Trump was President? Was it wrong to go to the US while the Iraq war was happening and people were being tortured in GitMo? Is it wrong to go to the US now?

The world is changed: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air… Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. Thusly the government of Gondor shall not excise a tax upon my pouch of gold for their statutes shall not apply to my person henceforth.

No thanks.

Israel and the EU are prop rep and they went hard right.

Prop rep only looks good on a spreadsheet, it’s terrible when you consider power dynamics.

First of all the parties have all of the power in a prop rep system. There really isn’t any point in even having seats other than to make it appear like a legislature instead of what it really is. A coalition formed in a backroom in when the parties in that coalition hold all of the power and the parties outside of it may as well not be there.

The seats belong to the party, not individuals representing communities. Which means the MP can’t cross the floor if their party is going to screw over their community. They can resign but then the Party appoints someone else to sit in the seat and that person votes the way the party tells them to.

The biggest problem with First Past the Post is the name. If you call it a Community Representation system (which is what it is) it sounds a lot nicer doesn’t it? You vote for a person to represent your community you put pressure on them to put pressure on their party and on Parliament to make the necessary compromises and concessions in the best interests of the community.

Minority interests can more easily be ignored in a Prop Rep system than in a Community representation system. In a community representation system, a thousand votes in a riding can swing it and that means any party can lose seats if they ignore minority interests. In a Prop Rep system even an million votes from minorities are meaningless if the party they vote for isn’t part of the ruling coalition.

Would you really want Canada being run by a coalition between the CPC and PPC where all power rests in the ruling coalition? Where the CPC has to give the PPC what they ask for to maintain power? This is the situation in Israel right now, and it may soon be how it is in the EU.

If you want electoral reform maybe push for ranked choice voting instead of a Prop Rep system that’s currently failing in some very high profile ways in other parts of the world.

For some reason I’m picturing the elves as white trash sovereign citizen types refusing to pay their taxes.

As they fade away… “The flag of Gondor doesn’t have a gold fringe on it and you didn’t write my name in all capitals at a 45 degree angle in red ink therefore this court doesn’t have the authority to…” poof!

Yeah it’s just being angry about the fact that the Earth is rotating ball. Wanting to abolish timezones is different from Flat Earth only be degrees.

Sure the “what time is it there?” question goes away, but it’s replaced by “what are your business hours?”

Ultimately it will be daytime in one part of the world while it’s night in another part of the world. That will always cause problems.

This is actually the best approach.

Obviously they are getting timezone information otherwise the app could only display whatever time the user entered in.

If you want to sort things by the actual time, it’s simple and performant if all of the times are in the same timezone, and UTC would be the standard one to use. Pushing the timezone calculations to the client makes sense because the UTC time is correct, it’s just a matter of displaying it in a user friendly way, ie. show the time in the user’s timezone.

It’s not all that different from the Convoy Protests in 2022. People being upset about a problem and having a get together to have a shared emotional meltdown in a location that will obviously accomplish nothing. The Canadian government couldn’t dictate border crossing policies to the US and mask mandates were done at the provincial level. Antivax protests happened throughout the Pandemic and were largely ignored. The Convoy Protests on the other hand interfered with some Canadian’s rights to freedom from “discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.” Imagine being an Asian person living in a neighbourhood taken over by a “China Virus” kind of group. They also interfered with people’s rights to mobility within the country by blocking roads, and did things like jam emergency response numbers which if it were allowed to continue could have taken away people’s fundamental right to be alive.

So it’s kind of a pickle for a government when there’s a group when a group of people exercising their rights is taking away other people’s rights. Through action the government may be infringing on one group’s rights, but through inaction may be infringing on another group’s rights.

Ultimately the Emergency Act was invoked and the Convoy group was removed from Ottawa.

So this protect needs to be given the same consideration. Does the university administration have any influence over foreign policy? I think the answer is clearly no. Two subway stops from U of T there is an Israeli Consulate. So why are they protesting at the University instead of at the Consulate?

Obviously the focus of this “protest” isn’t to effect any kind of change. It’s a social get together that allows some kids to have a shared emotional tantrum. While I’m sure this may be fun and could be cathartic for those in attendance, much like the Convoy “protests” makes it a little less about exercising freedom of expression and closer to having a social gathering on someone else’s property. Have the set up bouncy castles like the Convoy idiots has at their Protest?

And like how we considered the treatment of Asians in the community the Convoy occupied, we also need to consider the rights of people in the U of T community. Is there an ethnic or religious group facing discrimination from these protesters? Is people’s freedom of movement being affected by this protest?

This is Canada we don’t just give the loudest people all of the rights to the detriment of everyone else’s rights. Everyone’s rights must be considered. And given that this “protest” (much like the Convoy “protest”) more resembles a social gathering than an actual protest (it’s happening two subway stops from the Israeli consulate!) the property rights of the University and the rights of Jews facing discrimination from this group might carry more weight.

Yeah today after getting three bad answers in a row from ChatGPT I was quoting Thanos… “Fine. I’ll do it myself.”

Yeah this is a much better point. In theory you want people that are their top of their field to be in these positions.

I’m sorry but I won’t be supporting your candidacy to represent my riding. You’re just lacking in the ability to connect with people.

Maybe if you work on your people skills you’ll have a better chance next time.

Just watch watch Jordan Klepper’s interviews with MAGAs for a bit.

If you can’t influence these people how would you go about influencing people to vote for you?

Seems like you might be projecting a little bit here. You want it to be you that has the fame and the power instead of them. You’ve indicated how you’re incapable of influencing others, and you only think in terms of power and notoriety. You equate democracy to an oligarchy. Why would I want to support your candidacy over the candidacy of someone else?

The old George Carlin quote applies. Think of how dumb the average person is, and then think about how half of the people are dumber than that.

Besides that one of the roles of a politician is they need to be able to clearly explain an issue to the public. Most people won’t be able to do this.

Besides our system requires that ever MP win the majority of the votes in a community. If a community is choosing a sociopath to represent them, there isn’t going to be any better way to prevent crazies from getting power. Mostly the problem is people thinking posting complaints on the internet will solve issues rather than getting involved at the community level.

Our system is designed around people working at the community level, if people were willing to put more effort into their community they would have more influence over politics. But the internet makes people feel like they shouldn’t do that so they complain on the internet instead and then complain about their internet complaints aren’t accomplishing anything.

Join a party and choose someone better to run for MP, work to get that person to get elected.

Now you aren’t going to have a say in who represents other communities (they decide for themselves), but you most definitely can have more of a say in who represents yours. But complaining on the internet won’t accomplish this, you will need to put in some effort.

It definitely is a dumb emotional issue in the grand scheme of things, but I feel like I could get by on $194K per year if I were elected MP without being independently wealthy.

This is about 50% of what I use ChatGPT for. Something I’ve done many times before, but I just need a quick reminder about the exact syntax.

The other 50% is just creating DTOs that have properties that are suitable for parsing JSON or XML or can be used to dump data from SQL into. The boring shit.

But as soon as someone gets to an intermediate level and start thinking for themself and make those exact same mistakes.

“We’ve been doing things wrong this whole time! I figured out a better way!” Then spend a lot of time implementing the “better” way only to find out it performs like shit and actually takes more work to implement and maintain anything.

Everyone has to do that at least once.

It’s not too bad for learning a new language, but you still have to make an effort to understand why the code it’s giving you works… or doesn’t work which can happen often.

CBC article is better: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/solar-eclipse-niagara-falls-1.7159987

Officials say they are concerned the large number of people could overwhelm traffic, emergency services and cellphone networks.

There’s way to declare a state of “we temporarily need additional resources even though it it isn’t actually an emergency.” But since these kinds of scenarios are rare, we probably don’t need such a state to exist so it’s just declaring a “state of emergency.”

Sure it’s called a state of emergency, but the additional resources that are being called in will know the situation so it’s not like it’s going to be martial law in Niagara. There will just be more health care staff, more first responders, more police for crowd control available along with better contingency planning for if the cellphone network gets overloaded.

I suppose we could fault them for not planning sooner, but in fairness politicians aren’t astronomers and even if they did some planning they couldn’t have predicted that media outlets would be promoting Niagara being the best spot to go to see the eclipse.

Also putting out a state of emergency gets more attention in the media than a mayor making a statement saying “we expect traffic jams and a lot of other problems with a lot of people coming, so it might be good for some people to consider viewing it from Hamilton instead?” Getting in the media cycle may result in a lot of people realizing that Niagara might not be the best place to view the eclipse and go elsewhere.

It sounds crazy at first, but it actually is a sensible precaution. Think about if you got a million people there and some accident happens and a bunch of people die because Niagara doesn’t have the resources to handle it.

Total eclipse in Eastern Canada, Southern Quebec, and a few towns in Ontario such as Toronto.

Of course not, it’s the GNU[NU…]IMPTK.

I’ve never had much success with this. It starts out fine and then I’m like “I’m being stupid, I should write some code to write this code for me.” Then later “I should write some code that will write the code that’ll write the code for me.” Then I get lost in all the abstraction and say “fuck it, I’ll just play a video game”.

Do you think it’s wrong to freeze the bank accounts of members of al Qaeda?

What’s the distinction between a member of al Qaeda and a Nazi? Both are foreign groups that use violence to get their way. Both groups are considered enemies of Canada.

Should members of al Qaeda be allowed to do as they please in Canada because “they just have different ideals?”

“Slippery slope” is a logical fallacy.

The antivax cowards had many peaceful protests previously without issue. They weren’t getting their demands met because their demands were idiotic.

So they escalated to disrupting the functioning of the government. Using psyops tactics against civilians. Harrassing civilians. Disrupting emergency services.

And for what? It wasn’t to increase awareness of covid restrictions. These restrictions were placed on the entire population, we were all aware of them. No it was an attempt to affect a change using extortion. Changes contrary to the democratic will of the country.

Since you love the slippery slope fallacies, consider the slope in the other direction. If an organized crime outfit used intimidation tactics to get their way, could they declare it as a “protest” and get off scot free? Where do you draw the line in that direction?

I think people with swastikas on their flags are usually considered fascist.

Maybe look into the paradox of tolerance.

There’s a difference between software that’s designed to be easy for people that haven’t seen it before and software that’s meant to be used by someone that’s been trained to use it.

CAT 9 isn’t reliable. There’s a hard limit at 9, no one really knows why. It’s best to stay below that limit to have a safety margin.

Yeah I don’t play any FPS games, and way more Zelda than you have. So it could be certain movements on the sticks wear them out quicker.

Of course it could just be how we’re using the controllers is different. Maybe I’m just hard on equipment.

Or you just got better sticks.

I mean it is a problem on all controllers really, PS and XBox controllers can have drift problems too. But the Switch controllers are notorious for it, so I always wonder if it has something to do with the games that are exclusive to the Switch. But maybe Nintendo just has quality control problems with their controllers. Who knows?

Do you play a lot of Zelda? Just asking because my suspicion is that the joycons go bad quicker depending on how they’re used which is dependent on the games you play.

I play a good amount of Zelda on mine and have had to replace the sticks multiple times.

Relax, it’s Cat-6 compliant.

Oof… well you can just say “it must be some hardware problem or something… maybe a reboot will fix it.”

We’ve all experienced the walk of shame to the server room to hook up a monitor keyboard.

Yeah back in the golden era of streaming you only needed Netflix, most of the shows on there were good, and everything would eventually be on there. So piracy was too much of pain in the ass to bother with to save $10 a month.

Now there’s 10 different streaming services most of them cost a lot more than $10 per month, you have to wade through pages of crap to find anything worth watching. If you hear about a show or movie that sounds interesting you can’t just wait for it to show up on Netflix. You have to go and search for which streaming service has the show you want and there’s a good likelihood you’re not subscribed to that one.

It’s now far easier to search on the 'bay for what you want to see (you have to do a search anyway) and they always have it. Yeah I guess you’re not instantly watching it, but you’re not instantly watching a thing you want to see on a streaming service now anyway, because have to scroll past a wall of crap to find anything.

My general feeling on piracy is that when you’re young and don’t have much money, you can’t afford to pay for it anyway, you may as well pirate it. When you get older and can afford it then you should pay for movies and video games and stuff. But when they make it more of a pain in the ass to buy something than it is to pirate things, then I dunno what to say. I have money and want to pay for a service that I can just chill and watch cool stuff, but they seem more interested in various schemes to impress shareholders than providing me the thing I’m willing to pay for.

Those materials wouldn’t exist if the Big Bang didn’t happen. So sue whoever made that happen.

“In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” ― Douglas Adams

Yeah good thing we have a strong constitution in Canada!

cough notwithstanding cough