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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


Let’s change it to grenades.

People have been killing each other forever. Stabbing someone’s chest. Smashing their head in with a rock. Before everyone gets their pitchforks, I’m not saying this is not harmful to the victims or that there should not be consequences for murder. Explosives are just another tool.

At some point this AI-evangelist “it’s just a tool” argument stops holding water. We can’t just enable all people to do things 1) rapidly and 2) at scale without any consideration for how they will use it. Teenagers doing lewd things with images in the 90’s or 80’s or whatever period you want to harken back to also didn’t have the ability to rapidly disseminate this information to, quite literally, the entire world in a matter of seconds.

Why bother with DUI laws if we’re going to go down that road? Why restrict usage of anything with a legitimate purpose?

The sugar high economy he fostered was going to have issues, covid or not. We should’ve raised interest rates when times were excellent but we kept trucking along as if 2.5% home mortgage rates and such were going to be standard forever. Companies got spoiled on more than a decade of essentially “free money,” and now that things have an interest rate they can feel they are flipping the fuck out.

Also 2019 was pre-pandemic. The economic effects weren’t being felt at all yet.

I get everyone uses AI to write the posts now but at least give it a little character guys. The info isn’t bad but there’s a lot of filler words and generic info here. If this isn’t AI generated then get a little more granular.

And republicans and will make it worse and the election is months away.

Give me a viable solution.

a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for the opponent. Everyone says this. I simply do not buy it.

Doesn’t matter what you “buy” it’s about what the data tells us.

But let’s set that aside. Want to know why voting 3rd party is a waste of time? Because suddenly people get passionate about it months before the general election. Where are y’all the other 3.5 years of the presidential term? Where are your local and state level candidates? Why do you feel entitled to my attention and vote if all people like you do is complain and hope for a moonshot third option at the last fucking minute when you refuse to be engaged the rest of the time?

Change takes work. Third party advocates need to get to work. Y’all are generally just lazy and entitled and disengaged, then come crying about how you’re not included every presidential election year. The data tells us this.

Yes, the deck is stacked against third-party candidates. Yes, it is going to be difficult. But I won’t really give a shit what you have to say until you actually put in a little elbow grease.