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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I think that’s my main complaint with the game. Once you find a way to beat the boss, you just go for that build every time. It’s so punishing and the path to get there is so long, that it’s a massive disincentive to try new things.

I’m currently using Unraid for pretty much every thing you listed, and I love it so much. I really appreciate being able to set up almost everything through the web interface. It makes my hobbies feel fun rather than just an extension of my day job.

That said, I bought the licence before they switched to a subscription model. So if I were starting over I might look into free alternatives.

You can still buy a lifetime subscription for Unraid, it’s just a lot more expensive.

I wouldn’t recommend talking to your cat about Satanism. The best bet is to just hope they never find out about it.

The competition bureau acts in good faith. They very much opposed the Rogers / Shaw merger. The problem is they don’t have any actual power beyond making recommendations.

Cool makes sense, thanks for the reply! And yeah, I don’t think I’m quite there yet.

Out of curiosity, what’s the benefit of splitting those?

I’ve been meaning to try Caddy, but I just can’t even imagine something simpler than NginxProxyManager.

This is the best take I’ve seen on the whole kerfuffle so far.

If you’re plugging a USB drive into my home server, then I have bigger problems than malware.

A fractured government where things get done with more deliberation and compromise is a feature, not a bug.

This is a wholesome reply, so not saying this to shame or anything, just to inform. I don’t think it’s something many people realize.

But the statement “we’re all Canadians” is quite literally untrue. Many indigenous people do identify as Canadian and that’s great. But many others vehemently do not. What’s more is their right to self government is enshrined in the constitution, so they are actually sovereign nations living within Canada.

For that use case, go syncthing. Nextcloud would be overkill. I run both, I use syncthing for my personal files and Nextcloud when they should be shared with others.

Ah, yeah I guess you can’t browse your photos using a file system view. I just meant that it won’t automatically reorganize your pictures on the file system.

However you can create albums via an API call. You could probably write a script that adds each folder to an album or something.

It definitely can, it’s called an “external library”. I just added my entire photo collection and use Immich as a frontend to view them all

I dunno, I suspect most human alt texts to be vague and non descriptive. I’m sure a human trying their hardest could out write an AI alt text… But I’d be pretty shocked if AI’s weren’t already better than the average alt text.

I’m experienced enough to know that out of my mobile carrier and ISP, I am the least trustworthy operator.

That’s about the minimum price for what you’re asking.

What are the VMs for? Could you use containers instead?

The show is not high art. No one will be winning an Emmy for acting. It certainly doesn’t warrant the high rating on RT. But it’s entertaining, engaging, visually stimulating and a fantastic adaptation of the games.

If you’re expecting a Last of Us calibre deep dive into society and the human condition coping with an apocalypse, you’ll be disappointed. If you’re expecting a fun romp through the wastelands with body parts gratuitously exploding into red mist, then look no farther!

Hopefully, but depends on competition.

That being said, as someone who places climate change as their top priority, flights getting more expensive is very low on my list of things to be concerned about.

Checked bag not being included seems more fair to me. Previously the light packers were subsidizing the heavy packers, and that’s the wrong way around if we want to encourage lower emissions.

This has nothing to do with technology, it’s just petty politics. Legault thinks this will play well with voters in strategic ridings, and that’s all this is about.


And that doesn’t make me stupid because there exist times I say yes.

But if you already have a license they aren’t changing the agreement with you? I also don’t think there was ever any agreement that everyone else would get the same agreement as you

There’s nothing special you need to do to support Unraid beyond providing an image.

OP is likely talking about getting it added to the Community Applications app store, but tbh if you don’t use Unraid yourself it’s probably better if someone else who does maintains the template.

Nothing to do with the money and everything to do with the precedent. Glad it didn’t work out for them.

Honestly, this is a great move. Now they can say that Pierre wants to take money out of everyday Canadian pockets by taking away their carbon rebates. They should have done this ages ago

Smh how 250k is the cutoff for highest bracket. Add brackets all the way up to 10M / 60% please.

Lol people gave Starfield a pass? My feeds were (and still are, see this thread) overwhelming hatred towards it.

The so-called “supporters” aren’t even arguing that it’s a great game. Their argument is “it’s not that bad”.

I love this, but shouldn’t they vote as a block, but proportionally for the parties who sponsor the bill? :p

I’d change a couple things though:

  1. Allow members to vote independently on issues not impacting PR. While shooting down all legislation might force someone’s hand, it would likely turn the party into the bad guys and possibly hold back positive change.
  2. Call the party the “Reform Party” (will sound more palatable to the right).
  3. Run on the promise that if they form government, they will enact PR, immediately call a new election. Not sure if they should disband as there are tons of other problems with our democracy than just PR.

Why bother even trying when you can be sure you’ll be bullied by whatever monopolies dominate your industry while our politicians stand idly by.

Our governments are only interested in keeping the established companies healthy and strong. It’s mind bogglingly short sighted.

In addition to comparing against cost of rentals, there’s also opportunity cost with investing. If someone has a mortgage averaging 3-6%, and invests at 5-10%… that’s a great strategy. Why wouldn’t you push the amortization as long as possible?

Protip, if you ask someone a question, and then follow that up with “Or am I insane?”. You’re heavily implying that they in fact are the ones who are insane.

Maybe you legitimately didn’t know that. In case you didn’t, now you know.