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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Homonyms are the downfall of LLM for sure

Teenagers get a decade and a half of free shit? How dare they they aren’t even paying taxes

Careful what you wish for, zombies have a pretty good track record starting religions.

I don’t make the rules, and spacial reasoning is an art not a science

Absolutely try reversing y axis, in shooters.

Maybe flip the controller if you can, some people prefer look and strafe on the wrong thumb sticks.

Yeah same re: purchasing convenience vs pirating.

Pirating is a juicy prospect once again.

lol WHAT ABOUT the time Trudy cucked the Ottawa police when they couldn’t perform

she was asked in an interview if Jewish people “could exist in a free Palestine.”

“I said, ‘Yes, Jews can exist, the Zionist ideology and the state of Israel cannot,'” she told Daily Hive.

From her perspective, she stated the gov of Israel is incompatible with a free Palestine. The whole article is quoting her, I don’t see it.

Got any quotes/source?

Basically any stance on this conflict besides “civilian casualties bad” is a shit take, I’m not going to be surprised if a reporter gets fired for conflating Israel v Hamas with Muslim v Jew

Ok is this eurogamer cookie request a fucking joke? They care about privacy and they will share information with their 756 partners?

Thing is they could have marketed it as a domestic abuse hotline and actually gained votes, but I guess they couldn’t grok the concept without racism.

If the premier stoking these problem people means they escalate their behaviour, at least the RCMP will be handling them as a hate group.

But all of these headlines should read something like “Premier’s distraction tactic results in vandalism. Greenbelt sell-off continues to be investigated”

Out of that list, I like MongoDB. I just did bits in SQL before I started using it for the little python tools I’ve made for stuff.

Government run Oauth is the only real way to implement this, with zero PII being provided to the porn sites. All they get is an anonymised token when you log in.
Then again, the government Oauth service needs to be hardened in that case, but presumably government web stuff has government level security practices.

Probably kids will increase risk to themselves by using less secure sites, using chat platforms to source pornography, or uploading their real ID to people providing photoshopping services.

This is right, it’s not hard to imagine that compliance is part of a ROI equation along with number of users.

EU has a population of 700 million vs Canada’s 40.