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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I agree with you, I don’t want the trouble and just use mailgun free tier.

That said, I just need password reset emails for my IAM solution.

I imagine some just want to try, under the desire to avoid having their email data misused for data collection / ai training

Some news sources sell suvscrptions via newsletter.

Personally I find it quite nice, its similar to RSS and has high quality authors.

Do you use zfs? Something that I am unsure if is whether people are making ZFS backups to backblaze, or if they’re backing up files directly.

Ie: Do I need the same filesystem as the source in order to recover the data?

Are you using portainer-ee? Never had to do that using portainer-ce

Dang, swearing was one of my strategies to get the bot to forward me to a representative

The Finals season 3

And lots and lots of Redout 2.

Forbidden West on weekends

Oh wow, I didn’t think miniflux was still active. I wonder if they can help me debug why their fever api endpoint crashes Readably

Hey, how do you get the creative Commons attribution to automatically appear under your comments?

I remember the competition on speed. And Google publishing the response time on the results page as a way to showcase it’s speed over the competitors.

Oh I understand.

I was referring to the “strict” tls option which enforces that Cloudflare connect to your node via tls instead of http.

I think we were talking about Forego, but now I’m not sure.

To be clear Forego is what I was stating didn’t have pay walled features. I know Enterprise auth works, but I haven’t used the others yet.

I am more saying it’s not surprising Gitlab would take it down.

For example. With yt-dl /github they immediately went to a self hosted Gitlab instance. It wasn’t simply a hasty move to the public Gitlab instance.


If you need action runners you have to ask for them which is fair as it’s expensive.

If you self host it’s all free.

Why TF would you put it on gitlab instead of hosting your own forejo instance?

I swear, some people are just too eager to get in headlines rather than thinking things through.

Been happy with Zitadel so far.

I usually worry about getting bit later with apps that depend on a relational database.

This is my first cockroach db app and it’s not nearly as obtuse as the MySQL container image. Hopefully it continues to work smoothly.

I primarily use Immich as well and found albums could have a little more options.

I saw ente recently open sourced, may be worth a link.

Hypervisor framework support in Podman 5 is going to make work so much more pleasant. Very eager for the update!

I got way too excited Lemmy parsed LaTeX for a second

Step 2 is doubly true. Because not only did they steal the studios users, and dent their profit margins being competitive, they also went out and became their own studio.

Out of survival in a way, but their brand is so strong they keep most of users despite any conversion rate Netflix’s competitors have.

I got this same deal from T-Mobile a while back, it gave Netflix with two screens.

Eventually my Dad went and got an upgrade and they raised his price. He asked to join my plan so we split the bill.

Easy, two screens two accounts, we each had our own login through Netflix family.

I have since moved away for a job, and now he can’t use Netflix because we have different addresses. We can’t use a license we rightfully own as it was originally sold to us.

I wish they offered another video service instead. I’d rather swap to it and not even use it just to spite the hasty cash grab Netflix made.

I tried Kavita but it didn’t have the features I needed. I ended up just throwing them on Nextcloud and using Nextcloud sync onto my reader (Box Air 3c)

If you parents have a standard TV stick or Apple TV their devices support a variety of codecs.

This means that you can “direct stream” content from Plex / Jellyfin with minimal CPU impact.

At 1080p it should at least support ~4 direct streams when it doesn’t have to “transcode”.

That said, even if it is weak by today’s standards it’s a good platform to learn the setup on. Then you can move to something else more powerful (but still cheap) once you understand it all.

At least that’s how I did it, 3b+ -> Pentium J5040

I didn’t know about that actually. I’ll try it out and remove cookies extension. Thanks!

Edit: Working well so far!

uBlock, Clean URLs, and “I still don’t care about cookies”

Are the must haves for me.

Is that only for certain editors? Because at work, the second I go offline I’m forced to close Idea.

Hmm, I just tried to open it on the plane and it asked me to connect to the Internet.

I’ll have to try again. Did you put steam into offline mode prior?

I was playing MegaMan Battle Neckwork and Tony Hawks pro Skater using emu deck for almost a year.

When both dropped on Steam I bought both. Unfortunately MegaMan Battle Network requires Internet to run so I reverted back to the emulators.

Tony Hawk is a wonderful port however.

I also have this issue where the webview will refuse to change after a while.

I can try to leave a site typing in and address or try to switch tabs the UI will indicate the page changes and is loading but will still show the old site.

Eventually it goes black and is stuck until I force close and reload the page.

Haven’t yet figured out how /where to report as a bug

You don’t need a crazy server either. I got a cheap Intel Celeron motherboard for mine. Peaks at 10w and just hangs out streaming music and videos to our phones.

Perfect for <10 people.

Ain’t that the truth.

Geary is so close to perfect but they depend on Gnome Online accounts which doesn’t support O365 so I can use it for everything but my university email.

At least with my headunit (2015 Toyota). It cannot read the signal messages. Additionally, I remove contact and text permission from Bluetooth to be especially sure.

When you connect to Bluetooth, it asks your phone to share call, contact and SMS information.

Think like the old horrible headunit text implementation, the ability to scan your contact list from the car, and see your recent calls.