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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 20, 2023


Indeed. For reference, compare how many people have cut in front of you in line in person versus in a vehicle.

Sent OP’s thread to email on his business’s semi-hidden contact page

(sorry for the spam Louis, lotta us instantly thought of you - hope it translates to some awareness, action, & Adsense revenue)

Depending on employability and savings balance, indeed

Great to know, wouldn’t wanna be associated with someone who seems to specialize in far-right businesses.

Interesting, had to check and see: 4chan is registered with Cloudflare.

A part of me would rather these baby Hitlers operating in the open in case it’s harder for the FBI to follow them around the dark web. Downside is clearnet makes it easier for low-braincell nazis to communicate. Woulda thought we’d have socially stomped out extremism by now so doing it technologically wouldn’t be necessary…


Hopefully it’s not a common last name + a first name that suddenly became popular, could imagine it getting scooped by someone else.

Apparently it’s really hard to get a progress bar right. It’s just kinda guessing, but some can be worse than others if coded carelessly, from what I’m reading.

Best I can do is “[voice assistant] remind me about that post in two months”

Drat, gotta open the reminder and paste in the comment URL too. Do wonder if that bot mentioned is whitelisted or not. More social, beyond just being native. And hopefully it has “send me a PM to reduce spam”


I’m not much of a tattoo expert. Designs on my body include:

I’m going to get that last one. “What’s on your arm?“ ‘oh it’s just a third of it’ put my three arms together

I gotchu on the cheese

My comment - relied on another user’s modified prompt to avoid Google’s incredibly hasty fix

basically one computer science lecture later, I still haven’t told anything about my workday.


I can try to leave out such words, like “we had to roll out our software onto a really old computer”, but then I can practically only say “that was really annoying”.

Tough. Try my best with analogies, tailored if possible, but still tough.

“We had to try to translate our app into a language this ancient computer could understand. It was as easy as suddenly switching to Shakespearean English halfway through this conversation. Or like if you drove your car to a mechanic who’d been cryogenically frozen for the last hundred years. He doth protest much, methinks.

Overall, it was like putting together a thousand-piece puzzle, except the box came with a million pieces and most of them were useless!”

Good thing your mom was surely impressed with you all the same 😉


Since there’s no way to fix the incorrect assumptions (a t-shirt proclaiming “I explain granularly to men too!!”?), best bet is probably to get ahead of the assumption with a disclaimer & offer to be receptive to feedback.

Someone could still be upset I guess but can’t please everyone!

Discussed a bit below.

Yeah that’s good stuff!

Seems like you have your best shot if you make it seem like a lack of knowledge on a given topic is really safe. “Is this something you’ve nerded out on before, or not yet? Oh you have - cool, it’s pretty esoteric. Do you know enough to summarize it in a sentence or a few? If not I like to try to give my own high level before diving in.”

Something open ended in there gives you a chance to validate whether the ‘I know what that is’ was ego or truth.


I know for men who are equal opportunity overexplainers it can still be seen as “mansplaining” when overexplaining to women.

But in general, if your tone of voice is right and it’s still happening, perhaps communicating your intention and a safeguard would work, at least sometimes?

May I try to explain this? If I start too basic, and overexplain so it feels condescending, please stop me so I can dig into it more technically.

If you said something like “if I were a marketing intern…” or “if I were a college freshman majoring in English, how would you explain it?”

…would he not know how to clearly communicate still? :)

Maybe get him with the “is this a curse of knowledge situation?” (along with a link to Wikipedia) heh

One of the most useful concepts ever:

the Curse of Knowledge.

Explaining something to someone? Zoom out. Back up. What if that person were an alien, how much more context would you need to explain?

The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, who is communicating with others, assumes that others have information that is only available to themselves, assuming they all share a background and understanding. This bias is also called by some authors the curse of expertise.


I recognize there’s a likelihood you are usually being paid for answers like that. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity for free :)

David Charles Hahn (October 30, 1976 – September 27, 2016), sometimes called the “Radioactive Boy Scout” and the “Nuclear Boy Scout” was an American nuclear radiation enthusiast who built a homemade neutron source at the age of seventeen.

Sad read, poor guy.

Never thought I’d read someone:

attained Eagle Scout rank shortly after his lab was dismantled.

Do you think it’s possible for old decommissioned drives to be donated in a compliant manner?

Reference for others:

ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard to manage information security. … It details requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS) – the aim of which is to help organizations make the information assets they hold more secure. Organizations that meet the standard’s requirements can choose to be certified by an accredited certification body following successful completion of an audit.

LLMs (unless implemented with general knowledge AI) will never be accurate or more than a novelty toy.

I see Bing horribly confabulate all the time (and sometimes subsequently gaslight).

Thus I was surprised at last month’s Klarna news:

Wonder what’s going on behind the scenes.

Shouldn’t all the Russian disinfo spammers use Chinese VPNs & vice versa, throw off the scent?

Have you seen LessWrong.com ‘s voting? They have, essentially, “good/bad comment” & “I agree/disagree” buttons.

Wheelchair Manufacturer:

We’ve heard your complaints, which we never got when tiering by selling different physical models of wheelchair. Going forward, our app will be free, but features will be limited by the equipment actually physically installed in our Standard/Premium/Luxury models.

Yes, the physical equipment needed is only fuses, but we’ve obfuscated that by encasing them in cryptexes and adding fancy plastic design elements to the more expensive models.

Now, our business practices are indistinguishable from Honda upcharging for a sunroof. Except life’s harder when you don’t upgrade with us.

:( hey but good job staying at it and finding a way!

That’s great, it even goes deeper
