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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 28, 2023


I really liked how coupling is described as “knowing.” I find we talk about “does x need to know about y?” more than we do “is x overly coupled to y?” because the former is a relatable indicator of the latter.

I use a UK keyboard, | is pretty easy to access and $ is Shift+4.

I’m guessing you mean more exotic keyboards. I’ve used a Swedish keyboard while helping a friend and I had to ask where every key was. You probably just learn the combinations eventually.

I feel like this is overlooked far too often. I rarely see anyone use data structures outside of (array) list and hash table and any attempt to use something descriptive of the problem is often shot down because of “familiarity,” which is sort of self-fulfilling.

I get away with flagging lists which should be sets, though.

Where did you get 100 from? I’m just asking if it’s a real limit or a guess at “some manageable number” under one million.

It can be worth experimenting and tuning this value. You might even find that less than 100 works better.

Yeah, this is one of those things which sounds great on paper but also introduces problems. I’ve seen people get really annoyed when exception messages are translated because it makes them harder to search for online. That would need to be solved too.

I’ve had huge issues collaborating on a spreadsheet with a Spanish client. It tries to open the sheet in your locale and then can’t find the functions. Insane that Microsoft didn’t even add some metadata to allow me to work on it in Spanish.

Bottom left is when I make a kubernetes cluster to serve up a mock weather API for practice.

Exactly. I used PHP for years, I haven’t “not used it.” It was the first programming language I seriously learned. Writing good code was tedious if not impossible and that became even more obvious as I expanded to C#, Java, Python and C++; none of which tolerated any of the bad and unconventional practices I’d inevitably picked up. Keep in mind, I was actively trying to avoid bad practices and pay close attention to types but still got kicked to the curb hard when I tried other languages. I haven’t had that since.

I appreciate it’s changed since, I’m happy to see it’s not the same dumpster fire it once was, I also don’t care. I don’t actively trash it, I just think there’s usually a better option.

Ruby on rails is alive, just not as popular. ASP.NET is popular but looks nothing like it did then; probably for the best.

Yeah, plus PHP was very popular circa 2011-2016 and laravel was loved by many around that time and beyond. It’s always been a useful language.

Even some shops working with Windows Server are asking “wait, why are we paying for these licenses?”

Then it comes down to whether it’s cheaper to rewrite legacy applications or continue to pay for licenses.

Yep, it’s usually an existing idea with progression in a few areas. You could definitely achieve serverless with a cluster of servers hosting the same scripts in cgi-bin and I think that context helps to put it into perspective.

Yeah and ARM servers are cheap. You can often get twice the processor cores and memory for the same price.

That doesn’t always map to twice the performance, though some benchmarks would suggest it could for certain applications.

I think it’s a maturity thing. You eventually see so many trends come and go, peaks and troughs of hype cycles and some developers (probably including yourself at least once!) overusing certain new tech.

You eventually discover what works with current tech and then you can become healthily critical of anything new. You see it more for where it can fit and where it can’t.

If you have something small and stateless then serverless is easy and, more importantly, scalable. It was a little easier to see its role once the hype fog had lifted and I had a problem to solve with it.

Absoutely. I mostly use Firefox because I’m so familiar with it by now but the privacy is generally much better and it doesn’t have a massive monopoly on the web. I’m just a lot more comfortable with it.

When I have to, I use ungoogled-chromium on desktop and Bromite on mobile. I recommend those to anyone familiar with Chrome.

I’ve read not to bother with Decentraleyes. The dependencies are often out of date which mean you’ll hit 3rd party CDNs anyway. Unless its coverage is 100℅, it’s less than useless for privacy as the hit pattern to CDNs might even make you stand out.

Privacy Badger is also redundant if you have uBO.

These two form a “mesh VPN” which use direct encrypted links between any number of devices. You can think of it as forming a virtual LAN where you can communicate with devices, including open ports. A lot of them have clever tricks to overcome CG-NATs, which you seem to be struggling with.

Another option is to just rent a server. You can get massive storage space for less than some VPNs cost and you don’t need powerful hardware if your device supports the codecs you’re using. You could even get a cheapy VPS and reverse proxy to your Jellyfin server through an SSH tunnel or similar. Lots of options here.

Has anyone independently verified that this is the case for the FP4? It’s well known that the FP3 accepts testsigned ROMs, but all discussions regarding the FP4’s trusted keys points back to the same FP3-specific thread on Fairphone’s forum.

It seems so.

I don’t know, it does make flashing custom ROMs easier but I would rather have to install my own signing keys or signing keys for the ROM as this way renders a part of the device security completely useless. I’d at least like to have known when I bought it.

I’m not paranoid which is why I’m still using the device but these three points were each huge disappointments which make me not want to buy another Fairphone.

I think it’s a Qualcomm Snapdragon SM7225.

It’s not really about better, it’s more knowing what I’m getting. It’s not their fault that Qualcomm’s support is only 3 years (at the time) or that it takes them 10 months to develop support for the chosen SoC which eats into part of that 3 years. Still, I got the phone thinking I would have a reasonably secure device for 4-5 years which wasn’t entirely accurate.

I love the idea and, if you’re willing to sacrifice some security for sustainability, that’s great. I just want people to know what they’re getting into because I didn’t.

As the owner of a Fairphone 4, don’t get one.

It’s sold as a 5G phone but crashes intermittently if you actually enable 5G. I bought a 5G phone and I’m still on 4G. I wish I could say that’s the most of the problems, I could live with that.

The software support, in my opinion, is falsely advertised. You do get 5 years of kernel and Android updates but the system-on-chip updates, which aren’t made by Fairphone, end October of this year. That’s a whole important part of the updates which cease only 2 years into support.

Then, there’s the real kicker; the hardware root of trust has the (publicly available) AOSP test keys installed. This means anyone can sign and flash a verified ROM if they have access to the unlocked phone. That’s perhaps not too important for most people, but it screams incompetence and it means you cannot trust a second hand device.

When the SoC support is up, I’m moving to a Pixel. I’m done rolling the dice on Android phone manufacturers and I want a well implemented device.

I agree. When I learned programming over a decade ago, I didn’t follow a course and I’m not sure courses were particularly widespread. Looking back, what I made was terrible quality but it got better with time. At first I’d even copy entire sections of code into place unsure of what it really does and eventually I would make it work. It sounds like OP is much further along than that. Just make something, it’s the best part!

Weird to see this, I had to do it this morning!

I have a fix to enable IPv6 but I’ll do it after hours :)

I don’t know how some developers manage it. I’ve written web apps in React and, without even using available optimisations, the UI is acceptably snappy on any modern desktop.

We inherited an application from another vendor (because of general issues with the project) and it’s just S L O W. The build is slow and takes several minutes, the animations are painful and even the translations are clearly not available for the first 5 seconds.

My question is, how? I’m not an expert, I generally suck at frontend and I just had to fill in for it. I didn’t purposely write optimised code, the applications are similar in the amount of functionality they provide and they both heavily use JavaScript. How do you make it that slow?

ELI5? McDonald’s and Burger King. One has a Big Mac, the other a Whopper. One has red and yellow, the other red and blue. Either way, you’re getting a burger.

Oh, they’re also right next to each other so you can wave to the people in Burger King from McDonald’s and vice versa. Now everyone is enjoying burgers together.