Fushuan [he/him]


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I’ve not had those while working with concurrent programs with c++ for over a year. Pointers, QT programming, non-qt backend programming, coding an engine to work with computer vision runners (openvino mostly), image management (more pointers)… Idk, this is gonna sound rude but just code better? Most of my errors were segfaults, I have had to plug the debugger and/or tons of prints and I made it work.

If you want to see giant error logs, check pyspark errors. But even those have the relevant line of info and then all the rest of the garbage info that no one really needs, like any other language.

WhatbI don’t get is why they are using body type A/1 and B/2. One is clearly feminine and the other masculine, regardless of the gender of the character, why not use those words? They are describing the physical form of the body, it says nothing about gender.

Windows: exists

Crowdstrike: exists

Windows: open belly, right here!

Crowdstrike: stabs

Crowdstrike released bad code into prod without giving it some hours of testing in local machines or whatever. Incredible fuckup, inimaginable. But, let’s not take blame out of Microsoft, if a driver is faulty the system should be resilient enough no to crap the bed on login. At least enough for IT to be able to remotely access the system and fix it. The manual work the IT world has had to do because it’s lost remote access to workstations is insane.

Just what the other guy told you. I get that it’s a good idea, so good that it has already been done. Streamio+torrentio is the same concept and once set up (takes 5 minutes MAX), it works the same way. I still prefer a full servarr setup though.

(low key shame on this product for having the *arr suffix while being a replacement of the servarr stack)

Given that league is widely played, that addendum you did is sadly a huge blocker for a lot of people, but because of league and valorant.

Yeah elden ring SotA, I finished all the bosses and all the content but 1 optional boss on saturday, and the last boss yesterday. Good dlc but the balancing is kinda whacky and is has the typical complainers about difficulty, the typical defenders that have not finished the dlc, and then people that have done all bosses that know that the last boss is the most overtuned piece of shit to be ever crafted in ER. The other optional hard boss (bottom right) is also kinda stupid but it’s optional and it does give you SOME breathing room, but the last one is just completely un enjoyable.

As stated in my comment:

You shouldn’t tolerate intolerance

Bro, I’m gonna asumme you are just creating fake outrage, holy shit.

I think that it’s about intolerance, some people are using a term in the intended non-slur manner, and others are intolerant about that rational desire. Even tolerant people shouldn’t torerate intolerance, so no, being pissed about people telling them to stop using the term in the intended non-slur way is not toxic.

If that really hurts you, it’s a you thing. It’s not intentional, the meaning isn’t derived from the slur, it’s not a micro aggression. You won’t like the answer, but toughen up.

Because that’s like saying that “negro” is a slur when it’s being used in a Spanish textbook. No it’s a fucking color. Context is important and rewriting other languages because it seems hurtful in yours is super toxic.

Master means supreme, master piece, the supreme piece, master ball, supreme ball, master key, the supreme key. It was used in slavery because the master was the supreme entity for the slaves, in a bad way. One specific use of a word doesn’t and shouldn’t cover the inherent meaning of it and as a consequence all of its uses.

Tbh, I don’t care which name is used for the supreme branch, be it main or master because my team usually renames them to prod/uat/dev and branches as feature_etc, but saying that others are using racial slurs because they are using the old default that makes perfect sense is toxic.

I have never used the intended features (torrentio ftw) but in this page they have a stack of app icons. There’s prime video, netflix, HBO, disney…

Your case would apply for the legitimate use of streamio, where you can log into all the services and you can watch whatever through that service’s credentials.

I agree, honestly. I also like specifications, but I don’t like the game to be inaccurately specified. I feel that it’s better if an umbrella term is used in the title instead of a more specific fake one, and then a short description describes how the game is played or what kind of experience I should expect in several words, instead of a single term. That, alongside screenshots, let’s plays, and all sort of resources are plenty help to decide if I should buy a game or not.

RPG is used for games where you take the role of a character, and it should somewhat tell the story of either the character or the world around it. That alone differentiates some games from others like rocket league or fifa, where there’s no story, you don’t take the role of nobody that matters, what matters is the gameplay.

Hack&slash was a term used for games where you killed tons of monsters with weapons, and then Diablo started using the ARPG term to say that besides killing tons of monsters, you also get to enjoy a story in a particular ambiance. Dark Souls games also fit the description where it’s more about the action than reading, but feel like a completely different genre, right? no isometric, itemisation is vastly different, the gameplay loop is completely different… This is why just reading ARPG means nothing to me nowadays, I have to dig into the description anyway.

Another example, is “Ys origins” an ARPG or a JRPG? both? It has fast paced combat where you kill tons of mobs and a story, but it has a very japanese style, however, JRPGs are being known for having to manage a party and usually turn based combat, sooo? idk, a 3 line paragraph and 3 5 second clips would be much better than just a term for me.

Sorry for the late response btw, I just forgot lol.

Maybe because those terms are confusing. Is dark souls an arpg or a jrpg? Or both? I know that jrpg is a specific genre of Japanese games, but it’s still confusing. Are final fantasy games jrpgs? Kingdom hearts? Xenoblade?

It’s just easier to say RPG and not enter in a pedantic war with the community.

Hack and slash through hordes of enemies, it’s kindnof the point of the game.

Path of Exile! I began with a minion sacrifice build, and while it’s good and I’ve killed all the major basic bosses sustain is hurting so I swapped into a BAMA build, and let me tell you haters of the Maw build, it clears faster than Bama because ignite is broken in Poe.

My bad, I deleted part of the comment to rewrite it and forgot part of the original. And as you probably guessed I meant for it to be a single negative.

Good thing this is a casual forum and not a work environment where I would reread my code with care haha. There’s a reason linters exist in code editors, it’s for people like me.

Which is why it was just an obligatory comment from pedantic me. Just a light correction.

See, you added the CSS part, that was not part of the original comment.

You write as if you manually format stuff, auto formatters are a thing since ages ago that conform to stablished coding styles. Take up on stablished coding styles if you are against something as basic as lining up stuff to function names.

At this point I see that our viewpoints are way too different and that your viewpoint is quite disconnected from the coding world in general so, you do you, have a good day.

Yeah, okay. Tell that to every code editor’s defaults and every open source projects source code that I have read.

Encountering tab indented files is like encountering ANSI encoded files or /r/n newline’d files. It’s not how it should be done. Sorry.

Spaces are there to ensure that everyone sees the same, tabs have issues with internal indentation of function declaration and the sort. Yeah it indents like correctly, but then you do need spaces to indent vertically called functions correctly and it always ends up being a cluster fuck. Spaces are a standard for a reason.

Obligatory “Hyper Text Markup Language is a markup language, not a programming language”

Same could be said about people that don’t think that indentation is not important for readability. Both are important, but if you really care about it defining an auto formatter and customising it for whatever consensus the team has is the only way to operate anyway.

Who TF codes with tabs? All the editors I know input spaces when pressing tab anyway.

I would not have fun in any language if someone inputted actual tabs and their tab size was different from mine. Chances are my linter would have told me, regardless of language used!

I have worked with OS projects in C and not even those were tab formatted.

That sound like a you problem really, detecting this is quite simple because any editor worth their salt will literally lint you an issue saying that tabs and spaces are mixed and the thing literally won’t be interpreted. If your editor can’t show white spaces, chances are you are one google question away from discovering that it actually can do that easily.

The more I code the less I mind the tool and the more I hate the ones using it wrong.

Yeah, it’s bizarre reading people say they want physical games because if it’s not physical steam might remove it. Bro just download it and don’t delete it from your device, steam is offering a re-download service but nothing is stopping users from just downloading the game and keeping it in their disks.

Well, YouTube’s music quality is basically trash but if you are happy with it don’t look for alternatives because you won’t find them. Almost anyone I know that wants a music streaming service would not stand that quality for long though.

For context, I use tidal since it’s the one one that can serve HiFi music in a native Linux client (third party).

I mean, it’s not wrong, but that’s like saying that twitter is a platform that provides celebrity comments. True, but bruh.

most appeared to have moved from Accenture, a firm that provides content moderation contractors to internet companies

Bruh, Accenture is a consulting company, they provide everything contractors.

Cool. I was explaining that hasbro and wotc are the same thing for this matter. They were apparently confused. Idk why you are making this point when I was clarifying them their confusion.

Hasbro owns wotc, wotc owns dnd. Hasbro can’t sell dnd, they would need to sell wotc and that’s not a good move because MTG is a money making machine afaik. If anything Hasbro could order wotc to sell dnd, but it would be wotc selling it.

Isn’t MTG quite profitable? I don’t think they will sell all of wotc.

Then maybe use an editor with a decent linter and check the problems tab or just red line markers?? I also have those kind of runtime errors sometimes but I take the blame.

Monster hunter with a dark souls theme and a hard medieval setting. Need I say more?

They are separate universes based on the common theme apparently, so there’s no need to play 1 to enjoy 2, technically. However, 1 is fucking great so you lose nothing. It’s a monster hunter with dark souls theme in a hard medieval setting. If that didn’t sell you on the franchise nothing will :)

I see potential on the technology as a fake monitor. No need to have monitors on your PC setup, just connect the thingy into your PC and use it to generate a fake screen. Now I want a movie, the fake screen takes the whole wall, now a game, it takes 27’, now to work, it creates 3-4 virtual screens/apps to place in the wall.

I would pay a lot for something like it. The freedom it provides seems great. If the thing has the resolution it says it has, and they showed how you could connect it to a mac, if it takes off, the only possible future I see for high end PCs is virtual monitors.

Yeah, the prices were around +20€ for normal usage, for each user a month. It was a per call cost and the devs would have to eat it if they didn’t charge the users, so many rightfully jumped ship. Who in their right minds would pay more than 20 euros to fucking access reddit on their phone, per month? Yeah right, fk you too.

Sure, but this post is not about 7/10 games on release, it’s about 7/10 games now vs their perception now.

Well, that’s not really true isn’t it? I’m not against stealing games from corporate devs, but imagine you decide to get a kick ass printer, those they use in companies. Those printers are usually leased, not bought, and the printer leasing company usually updates and upgrades it every X time. The company pays for the use of the printer, but they don’t own it. The leasing company is very clear in what they are selling you, they are selling you a service. You still need to have a place to store the printer, you still need to pay for the ink used, you still need to have paper, just as a game needs storage space, a gpu and all the periferals.

Imagine if taking a printer from the leasing company makes them lose 0 money in material costs, since this is what happens with digital goods, they still lose money from you being able to use the printer without paying the lease, when you would originally not be able to use it if they didn’t develop it. In that sense, what you stole is their revenue from the lease.

All of this to say that pirating IS stealing, and I still do it proudly. All of this to say, either they let me own it or I’m stealing it.