If you care about bios, you’re doing it wrong - new accounts use uefi.

Doer of things, sometimes.
Boosts things if they are generally interesting, since fediverse discoverability sucks.
I’m probably not upset about what you’re creating - only about what you’re destroying to make room.
It’s illegal to be pro-Palestine in Germany since the government equates it with pro-Holocaust.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


@Rapidcreek @theangriestbird i saw some numbers somewhere that the majority of them would rather have Hamas than no defense against Israel, but they’d rather have someone else than Hamas.

@lord-adendaloth @vikinghoarder @PersephoneDives 99% of websites don’t work, and this gets another 9 every 5 years. If you use Noscript, you can selectively disable scripts.

@uphillbothways @Molehill8244 The companies: “I have very little sympathy for the peasants that are complaining about the burdens of slave labour. These are orders of magnitude lower than the burdens that ending slavery would impose”

@stopthatgirl7 @politics It will be ruled constitutional because that is what is convenient for Republicans, who have seized power.

@Aesthesiaphilia @trashhalo @downpunxx sadly there are a lot of weird silly people in “the left”, and the left is not good at driving them out, whereas everyone in the right has to mostly align to stay in the right.

@acastcandream The other guy says “why the fuck would I want to talk to [bigots]?” And that is a good question for you. Why the fuck would you want to? Sometimes you have to, but why would you want to?

@acastcandream interacting with people does not imply tolerating them. Non-tolerance does not have to mean you instantly kick them out of any space you are in, when that would cause problems for you.

@acastcandream @Neato You do not have to treat people with respect who do not treat others with respect. You do not have to advocate for civil rights for people who advocate for taking away civil rights. You do not have to tolerate intolerance. Tolerating intolerance makes society intolerant.

@Ilandar You get penalized if you don’t. In particular, if reddit decides to “lock your account for suspicious activity, please change password to re-enable” you can’t do that and your account is just gone

@hoodatninja @majestictechie @vis4valentine @Kushan @charles Isn’t it obvious? They want many players to have all of the content. Which is possible, because content doesn’t run out if one service plays it too much.

@Fleppensteijn even in more lenient countries, selling or giving away a copy that you made is illegal

@Fleppensteijn what? They actually tried to make reselling VHSes and DVDs illegal. And of course we all know that copying them is illegal.

@Fleppensteijn @vis4valentine another thing to consider is whether the creators of the work actually receive anything. When you pay to watch Barbie, basically 100% of that money goes to Bob Iger or someone like that. That’s what the strikes are about. When you pay to play Factorio, a lot more of the money goes to the people who made it.

@Tekchip @AndrewZen And the protocol is a million times more complicated and doesn’t always work reliably and requires a lot more server resources.

@RagingNerdoholic @BraBraBra because what they are looking at to determine profitability isn’t actual profitability. They have certain metrics and they are making those metrics as high as possible. One might be, for example, ads served per page view.

@anthoniix @Recant @hedge I’ve come to the conclusion that there are no particular rules that can prevent fascism. All that can be done is to continuously fight in whatever way is possible that day.

The fascists firmly control the courts? Pack the courts. The progressives firmly control the courts? Amend the constitution to prevent court-packing. The fascists took them over again? Repeal the amendment. The rules and traditions mean nothing to fascists and they have to mean nothing to progressives as well if progressives are to win. Fascists will always change the rules to help fascists win; progressives have to do the same.

do you understand what port forwarding is for?

edit: basically, one of two ends of a connection has to have port forwarding, or else the connection can’t happen at all.

Here’s what I have for Pleroma.

server {
server_name social.immibis.com; # this is what matches the domain name
root /var/www/social_html; # empty folder
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:4000;

# this block was from the pleroma documentation, I think. Mastodon and Lemmy might have their own recommendations. Upgrade is to enable proxying websockets. and the rest seems generally sensible for proxying.
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection “upgrade”;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
client_max_body_size 16m;
ignore_invalid_headers off;

# when you run Certbot it will change this to 443, insert SSL configuration, and set up a redirect on port 80
listen [::]:80;
listen 80;

@skullgiver Yes, there are many ways to make sure your server connects to Tor and I2P sites. But that’s what the guy who ISN’T running a Tor/I2P site has to do, to federate with the Tor/I2P site. If you’re running the Tor/I2P site you can’t really do much on your side to enable federation.

Cloudflare won’t help because you need inbound connections. Some VPNs support *transient* port mapping designed for BitTorrent, but good luck trying to claim a stable port number for any significant length of time, never mind port 443 (which I’m sure is outside of the allocation range anyway). You’d have more luck trying to find a VPS provider crazy enough to let you pay anonymously with cryptocurrency with just a pinky promise that you’re not hosting child porn. Or just don’t federate.

@TrinityTek vhosts also refers to the general concept. In nginx you configure multiple servers with the same listening addresses but different names.

@prole @ReCursing In most cases, the Tor instance wants to federate with clearnet instances. Clearnet instances might want to opt-in to federating with Tor instances - no child porn, but reading news about piracy is legal.

@skullgiver @Fonz It is possible; you have to set it up yourself and you won’t federate with many places.

Hosting Lemmy or Mastodon on Tor or I2P isn’t hard; you just host it, and link your Tor/I2P daemon to it same as any other website. But you have to be aware you’ll be cut off from the majority of other instances. You’ll be running standalone.

I am not sure about Lemmy, but Pleroma supports feeding all your federation traffic through a proxy; you can use one called fedproxy to split out your I2P federation traffic through your I2P daemon, and likewise for Tor. I am not currently running this on my server. It should still work for other fedisoftware than Pleroma. https://docs.akkoma.dev/stable/configuration/i2p/

@Feweroptions This is the story that capitalists tell you to justify why it’s okay for them to steal your money.

Land costs nothing, and equipment is just someone else’s labour.

Do note that if a manager or even a CEO does management work, that’s still work and should be rewarded as such.

Also note that CEOs and shareholders are massively overpaid in today’s society. If one person were to not pay them, they’d still be massively overpaid.

@TrinityTek@lemmy.world @selfhosted@lemmy.world Everything on your server has a URL, like https://your.server.name.example/c/your_community_name. Unless you want all the official public URLs to everything on your server to have a port number in them (https://your.server.name.example:1234/TrinityTek) you probably want to figure this out <i>before</i> deploying anything.

I suggest using vhosts. You can for example run Lemmy on port 8001 and Mastodon on port 8002 (both should be bound to without HTTPS). Then you get two domain names pointing at the same server. Then you install nginx on your server, as your actual web server, and you configure it so requests for lemmy.trinitytek.com gets proxied to lemmy and mastodon.trinitytek.com gets proxied to mastodon

@flambonkscious @RedCanasta And the people who made that work earn approximately 0.1% of what you pay for the work. The other 99.9% goes to shareholders. Wouldn’t it make more sense to give the workers 100%, or even 10% of the normal price?

@online @selfhosted I have to say this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone ask this

@kratoz29 @selfhosted You cannot go much cheaper from $6 per month… there’s just not that far down to go. You can save maybe another $3 per month. There’s a $3.50/mo plan on Vultr. I have an OVHcloud VPS that cost $100 for 2 years but that was some special promotional deal.

I also stumbled across this one that is $3.40/month (but the $5/month is a much better deal, with 4GB of RAM) but I don’t know anything about this hosting provider so it could just as well be a scam: https://bill.alexhost.com/cart/moldova/

@piracy Federation problems? I cannot see any posts newer than 2 days
[@piracy](https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/piracy) Federation problems? I cannot see any posts newer than 2 days
@piracy Federation problems? I cannot see any posts newer than 2 days