• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


The initial phase of colonisation in Africa (until the 17th century) involved mostly religious propaganda, unequal trade and miltary alliances with existing political powers in Africa. Look, for example, how Portugal, and later the Netherlands, slowly eroded the sovereignty of the Kindgom of Kongo and compare it to what China is doing today.

TLDR: African leaders are making the exact same mistakes with China as their predecessors did with the European powers.

You know, there’s plenty of Syrian refugees that have skills France actually needs and also learned how to speak French and are not cozying up with criminals and dictators. I wonder why Macron doesn’t give them French nationality.

Not a native speaker, but if I wanted to boil it down to a word I would use “made a trailer”. I think you are right about the algoritm confusing a movie trailer with a physical trailer.

If it reaches the threshold the European Comission is forced to formally answer to it, which requires them do a full review of the subject and this greatly increases the probability of something being done.

From talking with them there are two, correlated, factors. The most superficial one is that they suffer from extreme geopolitical Manichaeism, in that they view the US as absolutely evil and everyone that has an adversarial relationship with the US as good. The other is that they have Russia inherited the Soviet intelligent apparatus, and this includes the people that built long term relationships with communist party members and supporters, and this allows Russia to manipulate them easily, since they refuse to accept comrade Alexey who pretends to be their friend is actually agent Ivan from the FSB and doesn’t give a fuck about them.

It’s run by a Portuguese fascist, and, while the Portuguese extreme-right is friendly with Orban in general, the only political group that supports Putin in Portugal are the communists.

Let it stand. If ads are an integral part of the work and its message, let’s make the website owners fully legally responsible for the content of every single ad they display. If any ad contains malware or is a scam let’s throw the C-suite in jail for it.

That would solve most of the issues with ads really fast.

The little Trump says about it shows he wants to run external affairs and defense as the world’s biggest protection racket.

He won’t and they factored that in the decision. If you apply Pascal’s Wager to state institutions, fascists always win if they manage to weaken the democratic safe guards, exactly because no one will go after them, but the minute they get the power they will go after everyone else.

An unspecified technical problem forced the Rio-bound Boeing aircraft to turn back shortly after takeoff from Amsterdam. A spokesperson for Dutch air traffic control said the plane requested to land as a precaution and turned around over Belgium some 40 minutes after takeoff.

In my experience Software Engineers working in ML are, for the most part, also drinking their own Cool Aid, and need pushback from the rest of the company to keep them in check. So management also needs to know which smart people to listen to.

Some of them were still doing fine, just not triple the profits well.

The “beautiful” thing about perfidy is that it’s a particularly well defined war crime and it’s relatively easy to prove in the era of cameras everywhere.

In Nvidia’s case that’s actually true for long tenured employees - assuming they cash out before the bubble bursts.

That is the most… American thing I read in months. Workers complaining about half decent work conditions. As a European, being harder to get hired than to get fired was always a given to me, and I believe that’s a good thing.

So, does this mean that all felons get their right to vote back, like in working democracies? Or is this just for orange felons?

If that’s the case it’s a particularly stupid MBA. Between the companies part of social security and healthcare, mandatory vacation days, virtually unlimited sick days, maternity leave, paternity leave, the ridiculous amount of public holidays in Bavaria, and stronger enforcement of overtime pay, the effective cost per working hour in Munich is not going to be much cheaper.

Most stories fall into one of a few archetypes at least since the time of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

It’s like the joke about the invoice charging 0.10$ for a screw and 100$ for knowing which screw to replace.

Coding is easy. Software engineering not so much.

Where have I seen this movie before? I think the other dude also claimed to have syncretized nationalism and socialism (and the second half is as bullshit now as it was then)

What you are saying is that in domestic violence cases we should ask if there’s an ever-so-slight possibility that the soup was a bit cold. It doesn’t fucking matter, Ukraine is a sovereign country and has done nothing against Russia’s sovereignty and that’s the end of it - unless you want to entertain Hitler’s excuses to invade Poland over their alleged policy towards Danzig/Gdansk too

That’s also how the most damaging attacks on proprietary software work. At some point all organizations need to trust their members and co-workers need to trust each other - I can’t think of a way to be more miserable at work than having to second guess everyone around you.

You probably could make a 3rd printer capable of printing the steel components for a bridge. If you pour enough money and time down the drain, there’s no reason why you couldn’t have some robots handling the scaffolding and “3D printing” the concrete too. It would be several¹ orders of magnitude slower and more expensive than using the normal processes, but hey why build 10000 bridges when you can build just one that tech bros can masturbate to.

¹ this “several” is breaking the world record of heavy lifting

That wouldn’t solve the patent trolls issues, only getting out of the United Corporate States would.

Any of them would be more accurate than Boomer shooter.

We were calling them Doom-likes before FPS became a thing, maybe it’s time to bring it back as a sub category.

I didn’t, the article did by paraphrasing Reagan. And hyperbole is a perfectly valid figure of speech anyway.

And you don’t see Mozilla’s reliance on financing from its main competitor as a huge issue?

And thematically I would have gone for something evoking the actual Berlin wall: an AI generated black and white "picture" of Apple Wall inspired by the Berlin wall but with a huge apple logo and a row of Apple Store storefronts

In the 9th century Prince Rurik peed on a certain tree in the southern half of his territories and we are invading Ukraine because of it. Also NATO is forcing countries to join… By having them begging Turkey and Hungary to please let them in.

From the excerpts I saw, that was basically it

It’s not a dilemma, it’s an opportunity to pivot, while saving face as much as possible.

I’m using Qwant and it gives me better results than Google. Even Startpage does and it’s using Google behind the scenes.

Google managed to fuck up their personalization so much it makes the results worse (it’s almost like they only really care about tailoring the ads /s). And I’m suspecting it’s by design, if the results suck the users are more likely to either press the ads or go through more result pages, therefore seeing more ads.

The IMF technical reports are right more often than not. The issue with the IMF is when they make a funding program, common sense goes out of the window and gets replaced by backroom deals and petty politics from the countries providing the money.

Case in point, some of the harshest criticism of IMF bailout programs comes from the IMF itself.

It sounds like a “there isn’t a single corner that wasn’t cut from design to manufacturing to QA” problem. They should give the management board another bonus.

Sideloading doesn’t mean it’s unsigned. F-droid apps are signed for example. Sideloading just means “it doesn’t pay neo-feudal taxes to either of the two duopolist lords”.

Even if it wasn’t on purpose in the very beginning it was obvious very early that politics were coalescing in two coalitions. The US had 200 years to fix the problem, and there are plenty of examples and alternatives on how to fix it around the world but it chose to keep its system. So, right now, it’s very much on purpose.

A new study published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics suggests the satellites are emitting "unintended" radiation from the electronics onboard the satellites. These low-frequency radio waves, are being picked up by telescopes designed to scan that frequency range. That's because this range also happens to be instrumental to deep space observations.

New evidence strongly suggests that OceanGate's submersible, which imploded and killed all passengers on its way to the Titanic wreck, was unfit for the journey. The CEO, Stockton Rush, bought discounted carbon fiber past its shelf life from Boeing, which experts say is a terrible choice for a deep-sea vessel. This likely played a role in the submersible's tragic demise.

An Indiana Jones game, previously announced by Bethesda subsidiary MachineGames, was planned for multiple platforms – but the contract with Disney was amended following Microsoft’s buyout of the publisher. Confirmation comes as part of the Federal Trade Commission’s ongoing court case regarding the Redmond firm’s proposed $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard.