• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I feel like this is an article without a real story. Or at least it didn’t succeed in finding the story

This reminds me of when snapchat tried to entire the mobile cash industry with they snapchat pay service.

It’s a sad development, but inevitable. Eventually you can’t discern malicious traffic and real user traffic, I’m pretty curious as to what will happen then

This was actually mentioned in an issue on the github. I can’t quite remember whether it was turned down or just inactive. I totally agree. If we’re going to compete with big social medias then we also need some kind of algorithms. Opt-in/out of course.

I really love the witcher 3, but one of the pet peeves I have, is that I can’t avoid using the map, at all. I wish the world allowed me to find way on my own.

It actually sounds better yeah.

Don’t I know you from somewhere? 🤔

Any sources for music sheets? (Piano specifically)
I can only find websites where you need a subscription or pay for each music sheet.

Yeah, that’s a pain. I’m probably lucky to only have experienced this once.

Actual budget looks really nice. Until now I’ve just been using MoneyFox, but I’ll definitely try out Actual budget

Maybe it’s actually not that bad an idea. I’m pretty curious to see how this turns out on iOS specifically.

An immediate google search says that the US generates 4 cubic metres of waste annually. It’s not even that much 🤷

Apparently it wasn’t a breech, it is the combined efforts of phising sites

As to be expected. By political initiative, they shut down their nuclear power a while back

Planning on skipping straight to 12

I did not criticize you for calling something out. I criticized you going after the person by being condescending, it’s bad form in a discussion. Similar to pointing out spelling mistakes.

Yea, my bad, it’s an expression in Danish, I thought it existed in English as well

I read somewhere, that the solution is to follow all issues to the door. Discuss them when they are an issue, and then again when they are resolved.

Agree, it’s a little late to change core architecture. But this is the philosophy the devs ran with, and it has the advantage of longevity when an instance goes offline, then it’s still visible to everyone else.

There used to be a website named keygenmusic.net, but it’s gone now. You can still find it on webarchive

hahahahahaha, hilarious.

It’s fine that you disagree, but can you at least try to not be condescending.

Looks good. You could consider adding some topics to increase the chance of getting discovered :)

The description says “ON HOLD” how come, aren’t you working on it right now?