
Hey 👋 I’m Lemann: mark II

I like tech, bicycles, and nature.

Otherwise known as; @lemann@lemmy.one and @lemann@lemmy.world

Dancing Parrot wearing sunglasses

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 22, 2023


Those are fake mirrors completely missing aniwave’s core features: account watchlists, auto skip intro/outro, auto next, watch together, and the comments don’t even work.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re missing the majority of Aniwave’s library too

Edit: The search is horrifically basic too. No filters at all, seriously? The clones don’t even try to compete 🤦‍♂️

Pirate websites like this usually rely on the shadier ad networks baked into these kinds of video streaming sites to make their money.

There’s no financial incentive to use BitTorrent based streaming, and if they did I feel the torrents would die rapidly just due to the amount of leechers with barely any seeders to offset the ratio disparity (Unless some kind of webseed was available ?)

First time hearing of this! Thank you 😁

I was coming from Lighttpd which at the time had a very similar config syntax to Nginx. It was pretty much a no brainer, considering I wanted to shift to an automated Letsencrypt renewal process at the same time.

Sadly I wrote some python web services for CGI (not django/flask) that cannot be run anymore, since NGINX only supports FCGI, rather than just CGI as far as I can tell

ASMedia is the only controller IC manufacturer that can be trusted for these IME. They also have the best Linux support compared to the other options and support pass-through commands. These are commonly found in USB DAS enclosures, and a very small fraction of single disk SATA enclosures

Innostor controllers max out at SATA 2 and lock up when you issue pass-through commands (e.g. to read SMART data). These also return an incorrect serial number. These are commonly found in ultra cheap desktop hard drive docks, and 40pin IDE/44pin IDE/SATA to USB converters

JMicron controllers (not affiliated with the reputable Micron) should be avoided unless you know what you are doing… UASP is flaky, and there are hacky kernel boot time parameters required to get these working on Raspberry Pi boards. Unfortunately these are the most popular ones on the market due to very low cost

Probably not.

However, not all USB to SATA adapters support SMART, so even if there is a bad sector that gets remapped by the HDD on-the-fly (and thus does not show up in the software scan), you may not find out easily

After one Google search on my work laptop I was looking for searx instances - a lot of those were going down too due to rate limiting 😭

I used to use MQTT, static_status and Healthchecks.io, and have that data passed through to Home Assistant, but it started to get pretty cumbersome as the amount of machines I had grew.

I now use just Zabbix and HealthchecksIO. I did need to spend some time writing new templates for some additional data I wanted to collect (like SMART data for SSDs that provide health metrics in non-standard attributes, and HealthchecksIO so I could see the status of various checks on my zabbix dashboard)

Zabbix also has some additional features I found appealing, like proxies that can continue recording data when the main server is down, and built in encryption. Some checks like open ports/icmp responses etc can be checked using either the local agent, the remote server, or both, which helps quickly diagnose things like firewall config issues.

I did look at some other solutions, but I wanted something integrated to hit the ground running. Mobile apps are very limited, and there is no official one to my knowledge. I use Moobix which I don’t believe is FOSS - but I could be wrong there

Try each solution out and see what works best for you!

I personally think some types of openly developed software projects should have a strict non-commercial license: if companies aren’t willing to contribute back to the source IMO they shouldn’t be granted permission to freeload & have volunteers fix issues their paying customers run into

Donations are possibly a bit of an exception here - there are quite a few companies that still do this, albeit growing slimmer by the day.

Another big problem IMO is the subset of users that start attacking maintainers and volunteers because their “free app stopped working” etc. I see that a lot, mostly in the arduino community, but especially egregiously on the Zabbix project - I imagine a lot of those users are companies who aren’t even paying/donating to the project

Probably along the lines of federated user activity, so things like upvotes/downvotes etc and subscriptions to a community being federated to the relevant server(s)

So even if you’re lurking just voting on content, someone could setup a lemmy server, sub to a bunch of communities, and theoretically look at incoming activitypub updates from those communities for your activity I think

Questions over there might get removed IMO, last time I checked out of curiosity it was full of memes and very little discussion. Could be different now 🤷‍♂️ but personally i’m staying on Lemmy

I started getting this a few months ago and just switched to other sites instead. Wasn’t worth the hassle as I browse from my phone (vnc’d into a VM)

Very neat 👌🎉🎉

On a separate note, last one is probably a swordmaster with those 6 fingers lol

AFAIK Lemmy.world (the largest Lemmy instance) was issued a takedown request for something unrelated, and conducted a review of the piracy communities following that.

Unfortunately they decided to remove/unfed a few piracy communities as a result, such as this one on dbzer0.

So while we are still all federated, lemmy.world users can no longer see or interact with the !piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com community ☹️

Something is wrong with the tagginator in this thread, seems to be creating dupe posts every 1 min?


Yepp sorry - what I meant was bundling multiple different root domains, e.g. example.com & example1234567.org in the same cert.

I currently do as you mentioned above, renewing with just one root bundled with its accompanying subdomain wildcard.


On the up side, if anyone wants in, they are free to create accounts on other instances

If anyone is interested in mitigation, the only way around this AFAIK is to start with a brand new domain, only use wildcard certs (with DNS validation), and don’t bundle multiple renewals into a single cert.

Also, don’t enter your domain or related IP address into dns reverse engineering tools (like dnsdumpster), and check certificate transparency logs (https://crt.sh) to see what information related to your cert renewals has been published.

This won’t stop automated bots from scanning your ip for domains, but should significantly reduce the amount of bots that discover them

Curious about your reasoning, especially as I bought a .dev for myself a while back (via a different registrar)

If it was in regards to the .zip TLD then I guess that is understandable, but .dev seems harmless IMO

Not exactly IMO, as containers themselves can simultaneously access devices and filesystems from the host system natively (such as VAAPI devices used for hardware encoding & decoding) or even the docker socket to control the host system’s Docker daemon.

They also can launch directly into a program you specify, bypassing any kind of init system requirement.

OC’s suggestion of a chroot jail is the closest explanation I can think of too, if things were to be simplified

I’d never imagine that the first time I’d encounter an in app purchase that outrageously expensive, would be on a wheelchair app.

F me, why do companies have to extort people like this! Glad you got it cracked in the end.

If it’s just the build you’re after, you could pull the latest from Flathub. Downside being that once it’s removed from Flathub it can’t be installed anywhere else unless you rebuild from source…

And just like that, Nintendo have guaranteed to never get a dime of my money again 🏴‍☠️

What a greedy corpo. I’ll be waiting on the MVG video covering all the legal details whenever that drops

I’m not planning to move anywhere tbh.

Mozilla is almost 100% financially dependent on Google right now, if that funding goes away then so will Firefox, the Gecko engine, and likely all the forks. With all the layoffs happening in the industry, we can’t rule out Google shareholders looking elsewhere to cut costs too, such as the massive subsidization of Mozilla. The little we can do is allow Mozilla to find other sources of funding that are optional for users IMO

Yes, stuff like pocket is garbage. But at least Mozilla allow you to turn it off, which is more than can be said for Google: on Android devices manufacturers have to pay a hefty “fee” just to allow users to remove the Google search bar from the launcher. As a user you can get around this by installing a custom launcher, but as a manufacturer, you will not get Google certification: no SafetyNet (Play Integrity DRM, required by Banking apps), no Widevine, and Google will block GMS & their other apps on your product.

Regarding AI, mozilla’s memorycache is completely local (runs on the user’s machine) and does not call out to any servers. The new translation feature is the same. The only exception to this that I’m aware of is the AI helper on MDN, but the target audience of that site is already in a position to determine whether that is a useful feature or not.

That reminded me about those long, unskippable previews on DVDs… extremely annoying. VLC at least could skip straight to the disc menu though, pretty much ditched Windows Media Player and PowerDVD after that.

Now here I am on the high seas, with all my media consumption devices running some flavor of Linux. Have not had a single annoyance since.

You still kinda need to be online to play Steam games

It depends really, I’ve personally never been prevented from opening a Steam game with or without a connection.

Some other games are less clear - I’ll use Palworld as an example: this can be played offline, on a dedicated server on the same network, but it needs to fetch your username from Steam first, and perform some checks using Epic Online Services. As long as it’s started by the Steam client it’s OK, and the errors regarding EOS servers can be dismissed.

Some people have managed to join official online multiplayer servers using pirated Palworld copies, so I would not expect the current graceful network error handling to be so lenient in future updates.

you can only launch said game with Steam.

Pirated steam games can be started using an open source steam emulator - protection is basically non existent compared to intrusive DRM like Denuvo. Although I do get where you’re coming from in regards to the platform & accompanying client software being a closed ecosystem.

Steam’s hardware on the other hand, that’s open all day long 👌

DRM free option would be GOG games, which doesn’t require online and the GOG launcher to play games afaik.

I fully agree.

I’m going to be controversial here with the launcher requirement though: I use Steam because it is a launcher, games store, save file sync client, online social platform, modding client (Workshop) and games library all in one. Any device I pick up - my deck, linux laptop, or windows desktop - will continue from where I left off, without fail.

For that reason the only DRM I’ll turn a blind eye to is Steam’s own: it never gets in the way of me accessing what I purchased. With Proton/SteamPlay, games originally targeted for Windows work seamlessly on my preferred platform, Linux. If a game is unsupported, it will still set up the compatibility layer for you at your choice, for further investigation at your leisure.

Their policies also prevent developers from revoking games from users’ libraries, unless it’s a Free To Play title (most of these will have an EULA orange warning box stating such).

DRM should not have to exist at all to be honest, but in the current reality where publishers want some “protection” on their games, I’ll either accept the single, most unrestricted one, or head to the open seas 🏴‍☠️

I would lean towards either a DS, or switch emulation (using a device such as the Steam Deck, so games that require gyro input such as Super Mario 3D World - can still be played fine)

The DS is really affordable second-hand, and the usual third party SD card carts work just as well. People seem to really like the XL models, so may be worth considering one of those

As for the Switch, you’ll likely be able to play your existing physical carts in 20 years time. It’s still Nintendo’s latest console though, so there’s no telling what they may decide to do in future. I think if you have a jailbroken switch you could be in for a difficult time if newer carts use different hardware encryption keys that require a newer firmware…

With emulation though you get to actually own the games and play them on whatever device you want, at any time. The Mii maker and gyro setup does require following some guides to get going, but this stuff is well supported for the Deck (probably similar story for the alternative Windows handhelds but haven’t checked). Yuzu’s early access Android app already has gyro configured, using the sensors built into your phone. Lastly you can do multiplayer with other Yuzu players over the internet, completely independent of Nintendo’s online functionality

That was the cleanest and most curated movie site I have ever come across, honestly a big loss to have them gone. Consistent naming scheme, amazing torrent video quality (unlike low bitrate YTS), icons/logos to show what medium the rip was from. Literal gold

Please don’t self-host DNS. It can be exploited and abused in many ways if you don’t know what you’re doing.


One of these is DNS reflection, a type of amplification DDoS I found out about several years ago… You send a tiny packet to a DNS server requesting a domain with long records, but tell the DNS server to send the response to another address. Pretty interesting and amusing imo, but probably not if you’re on the receiving end of one lol

I went with the virtual appliance when I installed Home Assistant several years ago, turned out to be a great decision looking at how it’s architected. I only self-host the database separately, which i’ve found easier to manage.

the fact that the storage usage keeps growing

There should be a setting to reduce how long Home Assistant retains data for - I removed the limit on mine, however its possible that on newer versions they’ve changed the default

Hope you find a solution though - I think node red (capable of doing dashboards on its own) with something else is going to get you part way there.

Or also possibly discoloration, I had an OLED display on my last phone, and while it was amazing in terms of deep blacks and vivid colors, the screen looked kind of tired and green-ish after 6 years of use… rip Galaxy S5

I never really got burn-in because I mostly ran my display at lower brightness levels, however pretty much everyone else I knew with an OLED just treat it like a normal display left cranked at max brightness 100% - safe to say I’ve seen a few devices with some pretty noticeable burn in text and UI element outlines 😅

My current phone is an LCD, and I may actually end up staying with LCD due to the extra brightness - particularly outside because I now use it as a bicycle computer too.

I’m a little disappointed Steam discontinued the LCD edition of their Deck (besides the 256GB model) but it’s pretty understandable looking at how competitive the handheld gaming PC market is getting, and how much of an improvement the OLED display is for colors, HDR, and battery life in particular

No idea if WINE can run UWP.

If it can there may probably still be issues with DolbyDecMFT missing (no audio) and maybe a black screen due to HDCP error

In the video, the solution looked to be a wireless remote that cycled the MIG cart to the next game, quite cumbersome IMO

I saw this on someone’s phone and was wondering what it was, seems neat tbh but I already own a ship 🏴‍☠️

The level of downvotes on this comment is absolutely wild, although unsurprising since the OP is about a W for Linux…

On the flipside at least we’re not a certain other website that restricts user activity based on their internet points… so OC can still participate without their stuff being auto deleted by a bot

You don’t get 4K on Windows or Mac either unless you have a HDCP-compatible display, a supported graphics card, and typically the devices will refuse to initiate a handshake due to the locality check failing, or a difference in HDCP version - Unless you have a “smart” TV you’re watching in 1080p or lower.

Piracy point still stands: why pay for a service that does not guarantee to give you what you are specifically paying for, and actually goes out of their way to block your access?

Netflix may take away their subscription but they can’t take away my Transmission and VLC.