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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


Lol Florida would be a dick.😆 What does that say about all the old people we exile to the Floridian badlands. Is it a metaphor for rebirth?

Unless it’s a company, good luc…

Hay, how would you like writing documentation for all these open source projects? We would be ever greatful, you could even put your name in the credits!

The dankest depths of archlinux wiki. Written by a guy so far gone, so war harden by reading through source code and poorly written technical documentation, ancient forums, leaving no stone unturned. A task so twisted it drives most men crazy.

1% of arch users will ever need this wiki and few have gone through this Herculean task. For them, the first draft is enough, it’s all you can ask of a mind so twisted and broken. Alas it’s as unreadable as the source code and as hard to understand as the forum post from 2009.

Chromebook ready😂

Mfers be playing cyberpunk on an i3 with 1g of ram.

I think at this point in time it JIT compiles into byte code and cached which is more efficiently interpreted the next time that function is called.

Honestly if someone irons out the edge cases, python probably could JIT compile to machine code via cython. It would take a fair bit of memory and probably a bit slow on low powered systems but it would be so much faster if cached.

You delete each set of letter from least significant to most significant with $ replacing each letter and the title tag saying where’s my money. If all letters disappear swap the entire website with space jam website and this gif.

It’s ok, it’s called being a masochist. No one is judging you for using css.😆

Managers are always tied to their corporate overlords. Developers can choose to freelance and potentially make more while not having to stick around and maintain an aging codebase if they’re skilled enough.

Fair worning, I’m learning to program and I have zero experience in the industry. This is at most observations from what I’ve heard from others in the industry.

This is just Linux for anyone who uses it for work or school.😂

Feature creep? It’s so easy when you convince yourself you’ll reuse it!


I’m kidding, my applications are so simple version control would be synonymous with entire rewrites as I lean new things.

True, a lot better way to stay out of dependency hell. The number one reason I switched a server to docker, dependencies like mono.

Your right, it needs at least six maybe nine per hand.😆

I love the idea of this project. It might be an interesting way to see how similar most languages are but those dependencies.

Also why is such a stupid question when it comes to programming, you can learn so much by just making something. So my question is…lotr why shouldn't I meme


Yeah, I totally agree. Sorry about that. I got pretty excited about the topic because it’s amazing how all my games have worked so far and how it works is interesting. If I was using Windows or MacOS I’d be paying attention but I generally wouldn’t care about the progress.

I don’t think you get how dxvk and wine work. All games that don’t require rootkits and have Linux support in their flavor of anti cheat will start, about 80% playable potentially with some tweaking or hardware specific fixes and about 20% pretty much work out of the box which is nice. AMD users are probably feeling smug about the aggregate 50% playable with 10% verified steam deck compatible.

It only runs better as a result of the optimizations done to translate Windows calls to Linux calls as well as translating Direct X into Vulkan or just uses vulkan. So if the game is well optimized Linux is a lot less likely to have an advantage and often suffers in performance a little bit until optimizations for that game are patched into Wine or DXVK about the same as video card drivers in windows.

On the other hand some poorly optimized games still run just as bad as they do on Windows if the game has issues not related to the graphics stack. Things like Elden Ring play to the strength of the optimizations and presented good results but I like to think of it as the exception and not the rule.

On average you see a delta of at most 10fps with windows beating Linux or Linux beating windows which even I find surprising sometimes. Maybe lower CPU overhead, the game just runs better being translated into Vulkan, or shader cashing in DXVK has gotten better than some in-house solutions; it’s hard to say.

Yeah. I’m guilty of doing that to myself, I use Arch and neovim btw. Your perspective kinda changes when someone close to you that wants to switch to Linux she found windows frustrating or start getting into more than just animal crossing and the sims but finds camera controls disorienting or both. (Mother)

A lot of these new people who want a better experience for themselves but find certain technology issues daunting and they really get the raw end of the deal when they run into the loud minority. I also blame Linux Bros for promising the moon and with no issues.

It’s about as difficult and as exciting (for some) as switching to Macos for the first time, ask me how I know.

As a user I like no screen tearing, low latency, no soft locks from apps crashing, no softlock when a window is capturing the keyboard while the screen is locked, no weird artifacts from hardware accelerated effects, no app windows blanking out and lagging usually web apps (still happens in XWayland),etc.

I still miss being able to kill the screen locker from the terminal, made me feel like a hacker.

No need to rush it. I moved recently with an ultra wide 32", 24" and 2 midsized desktop. I ended up with scuff on my ultra wide screen and a gouge on the interior plastics because I closed my hatch on my pc by accident.

Now I have a lil squiggly dead center of my screen but thankfully no tempered glass mess in the back.

Hate the irrational hate for Nvidia, Wayland or some desktop . I’m just out here trying to help others figure out their problem and some asshole comments"Nvidia doesn’t work on wayland", “just get an amd card”, “Wayland will never work” or “gsync doesn’t work in Linux with multiple monitors”.

All of them are equally absurd, the last one largely true on xorg for any GPU. Xorg doesn’t do mixed frame rates. Also it doesn’t help the person who is using an Nvidia card because there are solutions for most issues. Those issues are just not well understood because there was a time Nvidia drivers just didn’t work on wayland etc.

I hate gatekeepers and purist that just make anyone who might be new to the platform feel attacked or alienated. No one cares about your ideologies if they’re not asking and the idiots that parot it doesn’t prove anything other than your part of the loud minority. Just being kind to one another and being understanding of other peoples decisions can go a long way to growing a healthy supportive community.

I’m still a little frustrated about the behavior of people when I was trying to help someone setup hardware video acceleration in their browser. And another that wanted to use a different distro but found Nvidia worked best on arch for him.

Typing this thing was admittedly hard on the phone. Without selecting any suggestions, it still manages to get the capitalization and punctuation right.

the real problem is this sentence contains no formatting no punctuation and no capitalization it must be a failure of our public education system in america that kid dont get the proper education they need in this day and age to use proper gramer and formatting where needed i bet most of you cant tell me the proper time to use a semicolon vs using a colon and thats ok because i dont either i do try my best to put it in the right place sometimes looking it up and failing to understand comas are also frequently used to much by people im sure your not alone in this assumption it could also be that english is hard and schools spend more time teaching us to consume and parse english rather than a balance of both reading comprehension and writing skills

Sometimes you just need to throw shit at the fan just to see what happens.

It must be cosmic rays, a bit flipped while compiling. No way I got it right the first time.

It’s just the way I prefer it. I prefer paying for a copy if I can and downloading a copy when I can’t. I get the appeal, but if there’s a way to show companies I prefer a tangible copy over paying monthly/perpetual license I prefer going that route.

I’m not above downloading a copy if they don’t sell a copy if you get where I’m coming from. I consider it sort of abandoned at that point, even if it’s on a streaming service.

You guys are talking about 4k meanwhile I’m digging in bargain bins and going to garage sales for DVDs.

EDIT: Didn’t see the community when I posted. It makes a lot more sense now.

As a dumb user I like gitlab! It’s responsive, clean, legible, and pretty easy to navigate compared to others. Also anything that supports git clone because it’s pretty nice for manually building stuff on arch.

I don’t know what your project is or if it’s going to be public but that’s my vote if it is!