…just this guy, you know.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 07, 2023


someone genuinely interested for intellectual reasons would likely not fall for it. I would imagine that a non-trivial percentage of “antiquity enjoyers” are very light on history substance and heavy on history feelz.

once the appropriate brain tickles have been pushed into their heads their “history substance” feed content becomes decidedly propagandized.

no worries.

the net effect of client separation is that your device sees no other layer 2 devices on the wlan besides the gateway. this would typically be enforced at the frame level by the APs and is separate from any radio privacy cryptography.

a properly configured wireless setup would assume every client is compromised and would also disallow local client-client via source routing or proxy ARP or any other escape options. 100% secure? probably not, but its a non trivial barrier that would have to be circumvented.

as with e.g. broken WEP years ago, there are still options to mess with clients at ~Layer 1 but I dont believe its currently as trivial as it used to be.

most properly configured public wifi will enable client separation, of course that potentially still leaves lower level protocol and radio attacks.

…that wireless mac is looking suspiciously shopped and non-existent.

Flanagan, a member of the White Earth Nation, would become Minnesota’s first woman and first Native American governor.

Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/; German: [ˈʃaːdn̩ˌfʁɔʏ̯də]; lliteral translation “harm-joy”) is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, suffering, or humiliation of another conservatives white nationalists republicans.

latest renewable energy breakthrough: republican exploding heads.

Saved 70% of original text.

and 0% context. bad bot!

great article, thank you.

My take from the article…?

confidence: believing that you are the best person for the job.

dominance: making everyone else believe that you are the best person for the job.

Don’t switch one senile old fuck out with another.

to be fair, Bernie has not lost a single step but, as a pragmatist, I think he would say his most effective position moving forward is in the senate.

crack induced brain damage is rather frightening to watch in action. I hope he leaves the country immediately to get the help he needs.

ERROR: Attempted to parse HTML with regular expression; system returned Cthulhu.


honestly think people left of center have lost their minds with this stuff.

despite all of the postering and hand wringing on lemmy, I dont think this is broadly true. in this insane moment, any still sane individual can see a demonstrable difference between the two candidates being shoved down our throats and, once again, hold their nose and pick the lesser of two evils in a national election.

with luck the orange clusterfuck remains out of office, and perhaps this country may finally have develped the maturity for a national conversation about (and push for) ranked choice voting - in spite of ruling class wishes.

heh, forgot about the standalone web server in certbot. thats a good ephemeral option.

if you are able to run a public web server, then certificate issuance via certbot http challenge works pretty well. the web server can serve a really simple static page with little to nothing on it - but of course its another potential vector into your network.

if your public domain DNS makes use of a supported dns provider or you run your own publically accessible dns server, then dns certbot challenges are great and more flexible than http.

others may suggest neat work arounds for the http challenge issue, but if you have access to a supported dns service I would look at that option. certbot has helpers for quite a few public services as well as support for self hosted dns servers. I run my own public dns servers, so thats the option I chose and use certbot hooks, cron and bash scripts to rsync the updated carts to the propr hosts for the various services I run privately and publicly.

if you are using http cert retrieval, certbot needs a place put the temp. token to authenticate your contrrol of the domain your are creating a certificate for. usually that will be the same webserver you want to serve the certificate from.

if you are not running an actual weberver on port 80 that certbot can insert a token for, certbot cannot complete.

this is, of course, in addition to other possible issues such as ISP port blocking - but without a web server listening on TCP/80, you will have to use other authorization methods (like DNS) to generate a cert.

are you actually running a web server on that host? iirc, certbot will place a temporary token to be served by your web server (Apache, etc.) to show that you actually control the domain you are requesting a cert for.

I switched to DNS based retrieval as soon as let’s encrypt offered it, so its been years since I retrieved certs via http.

not a recommendation (I have not used any pulse to tone converters), but this may help you out.

thanks for your prompt - without it I may have skipped the ariticle. It was, in fact, an excellent read.

because, sometimes, having your program vomit all over your console is the best way to remain focused on the problem.

Finally, that other estate, the church, is the one that taught them the magical thinking that they eagerly apply to things confusing and mysterious, lapping up simple proto-fascist narratives that eventually bake down to triple parentheses.

holy hell, my friend. that tiny paragraph is a perfect metaphorical kick in the teeth. well done.

in a complex world people seem to gravitate toward answers that require the least amount of effort and then believe their conclusion has somehow satisfied occam’s razor.

wow, man. like, such a load of buzzkilling stuffed shirts.

when I finish work on my finite improbability generator, hook it up to a Bambleweeny 57 Sub-Meson Brain (with integrated atomic vector plotter) and fire it up with a nice hot cup of tea, these respectable physicists are definitely not invited to the party – no matter what the hostess says.

thats how they win, fellow person of earth. don’t let them steal your joy and the power of information.

all accurate.

I will say that a combination of…

  • quassel (IRC connection mediator)
  • quasseldroid (android client for quassel)
  • TLS protected Tor hidden service connectins to your fav. IRC network

is an absolutely fantastic way to be always-on connected to IRC. turns it into a modern experience.

you probably already have your answer in your post. if an archival copy of your data is desired, then any modification to the source is not good.

virtually any lossless archiver/compressor (bz, xz, 7z, etc) will give you back the bit for bit original. pre-processing the image with ECM may not - you decide if the small savings in storage is worth it. considering that ECM is a compression method and already compressed data is harder to re-compress… based on your results, I would say ECM is a lossy process as compared to the source - I have no way to confirm this, however, without looking at specs.

tl;dr: don’t lossy (potentially) pre-process data and meaningfully expect it to be considered a clean “archive”)

edit: clarification… my use of lossy here refers to the loss of (likely) redundant or non-useful data from the source. stripping this data may have zero functional effect on the recovered binary, but archival purists would likely be horrified ;-)

its a very rare group of people that get to experiencee that particular and precise type of professional joy. wow.