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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


It may be the worst one, but it’s the one everyone at my company uses. Having multiples is worse than having a bad one.

I started learning k8s about 5 years ago, and in about 8 months I was ready to setup k3s at home and manage everything with ArgoCD.

Approximately 3 years ago I set up a second cluster on digital ocean and moved some workloads to that, including ArgoCD which manages both the remote DO cluster and the home k3s cluster

Never heard of dockStarter so I’m gonna say yes

Compose is good for getting started, and might be sufficient for a long time. Eventually I moved to k8s but I also use that for work so it was an easy move for me.

Internet archive actively tried to gather as much as possible before it was decommissioned:


I used idonethis.com a long time ago, but haven’t had a need for it lately so can’t comment on any changes to it in the past 4-4l5 years

Heh, yea, I haven’t touched that game in 13 years so my memory is nothing but a historical anecdote :)

I remember the WoW armory site was like this.

Hammond chose the cheapest contract bid for his computer system needs, choosing a contracting/consulting agency in Cambridge MA. Nedry worked for them and was responsible for fulfilling the contract. He complains about not getting paid enough personally and I doubt there was further room in the contract budget for more headcount.

Again, this was because Hammond went cheap on the contract. This is just one instance where he is repeatedly shown to be a cheapskate throughout the movie.

They do mention the lysine contingency in the movie as well, thought it’s only a line or two and is likely easily missed by folks who haven’t read the explanation given in the book

Some people were forced away from Reddit and don’t subscribe to that idea (yet?) - maybe they will understand that after being here for some time, but I know when my reddit app stopped working I just wanted something to fill the void

I use oauth2proxy+nginx ingress gateway where needed (apps that don’t support OIDC themselves), with dex their OIDC provider, and github is dex’s upstream IDP+OIDC.

I use it for my home services but that’s because I also use it at work and understand it well. It is absolutely not something that a beginner should touch, especially if “docker” is a new term to them.

Username checks out!

It’s one of the most important game franchises of all time and I’m really glad that I experienced the original when it was new (well, I was a bit late to it, but time moved slower then), and at a time when it had a formative effect on my life.

I was playing Doom 1/2 when I was 10-12 years old, at friends houses who had the right computer OS+specs to run it. I wouldn’t say it was solely responsible for setting me on the path towards other adjacent media like horror movies, metal/punk music, etc but it was definitely an important stepping stone along the way.

That said, I didn’t spend too much time with it compared to other games. I was never very good at it, preferring instead to watch my friends play since they’d had more practice time. Over time we gravitated towards newer games, and my time with Doom was over for a while. (I was disappointed by Doom 3’s gameplay, possibly exacerbated once again by my computer being underpowered for the technical requirements to enjoy it)

Fast forward to 2020 and we’re all in pandemic lockdown. So I fired up my ps4 and went looking for some “comfort games” to play - old stuff that I knew I’d enjoy and wouldn’t break the bank. Sure enough, I found a cheap Doom bundle: Doom 1, 2, 2016, and Eternal. We’re back, baby!

I ended up beating the original gen and their available Unity port WADs (e.g. BTSX) on Ultra Violence, beat 2016 and Eternal on Nightmare (no ultra nightmare for me, though I did put in some honest attempts). And Ultra Violence for the Eternal DLCs also. I still will pop on Eternal for some casual slaughter - I really love the dynamic combat.

Along the way I got interested in some Doomtubers as well- Zero Master to see, well, the master; but most importantly Decino who I still am playing catch-up with trying to get through all his content. My wife sees me watching his vids sometimes and “can’t believe you’re still watching Doom”.

So yea I’m a fan.

Drugs are cool and good actually : kalm

Android, eh? Is it meant for phones, or is there a other set of android devices this is for?

I heard about the keys and the other website that serves them, seems an extremely important detail. I imagine the game dumps/copies are available as disk images of some sort online?

Thanks a lot for the info, skankhunt42!

I’m very uninformed here, haven’t gamed in a few years. But I’ve got a question- is yuzu software that is run on a rooted Switch device, or similar like a steam deck? Or do you run it on a computer? Or perhaps, it’s all of the above.

Anyway, thanks in advance if someone could give me a high level overview

Forking it now is a good idea.

Specifically, to a different repo hosting provider, or a server you control

this must be something I’m too usenet to understand

kidding of course, well done and thank you for your service

A big part of it is the open source aspect, yes.

In addition, Plex is increasingly weighing down their offering with new “features” of questionable value. Some would probably use the term “enshittification” to describe the trend over the past year or two.

I bought a plex lifetime license a long time ago (2013), but for a newcomer I would recommend Jellyfin. You can also run them both simultaneously with no issue and decide for yourself.

A single drive of that size goes for less than $100 USD (sometimes much less!). It’d actually be more economical to get an 8TB device for less than 2x the price. I’d suspect most folks in this community have far more than 3TB available…

Thanks for the heads up.

I plan on using digital ocean’s Spaces (s3-alike) where possible and also it’s intended to be a personal instance, at least to start - just for me to federate with others and subscribe to my communities. Given that, do you think it’ll still use much disk (block device) storage?

Might be time to familiarize myself with DO’s disk pricing…

A 13-year-old former gaming computer, with 30TB storage in raid6 that runs *arrs, sabnzbd, and plex. Everything managed by k3s except plex.

Also, 3-node digital ocean k8s cluster which runs services that don’t need direct access to the 30TB of storage, such as: grocy, jackett, nextcloud, a SOLID server, and soon a lemmy instance :)

I’ve been wfh since covid hit, I still put on pants every workday to keep myself from treating it like an eternal Saturday. I know if I start slipping I’ll become one of the laziest people on the planet

Oh no you forgot kubernetes!

You could get notified with a PR to update a version with renovate.

(Assuming you have your selfhosting configurations checked into source control, which I realize as I’m typing this that it might not be the norm…)

Ubuntu LTS and k3s for all workloads (except for plex, which I’ve not gotten around to migrating yet…)

I had a realization recently. These things are like the reverse of the mythical Cassandra: no one can ever be sure that their information is correct, but everyone trusts what they say.

I run k8s, mostly because I use it for work and really enjoy the gitops approach to management. Previously I used docker compose.

git co -b nevergonnagiveyouupnevergonnaletyoudown