Developer for 30+ years, father of four.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Especially if you randomize the fade within a given range over time.

Fuck. This picture is calling me out.

This is how 80+math.floor(math.random()*30)% of all statistics are generated.

Well I am still so happy that I decided specifically to get a newish car that doesn’t have a touchscreen or any of this nonsense.

Based on your last sentence, was that supposed to be sarcastic?

I fly a giant fucking pirate flag with skull and crossbones and no one ever stops me. All they do is say “Are you a pirate?” or “Say Jack Sparrow”. Tcchh bitch please, I’ll torrent your mom’s prom night.

I’m crossing Canada and India break off diplomatic relations from my 2023 bingo card.

If you’ve got the right attitude.

Duh… Definitely LAMP

That’s my life. Reading legacy code and refactoring. It’s an easy life, living out here, free on the sea. The wind in your sails only the occasional mermaid made of O(n+1) to deal with.

Lol. Dude, you can’t do that to a bunch of coders and not expect them to read it literally.

It’s fine. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

That’s not fucking funny. Some of us live with this kind of insanity.

Lol. IRC is older than most people on here.

Baby Steps - Insane game that looks wildly fun
This looks like it will be the next viral streamer craze and it's not even out yet.