• 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Beat up? Are you kidding me? She’s described as a combat trained woman in peak physical performance and she’s still being overcomed by the man aggressor. She succeeded in winning buy using a blender as a weapon, and that sounds pretty realistic to me.

“We decided to hire a shit writer in order to recreate the atmosphere of a true Bethesda game”

You’re sharing a correct sentiment, but completely missing the point.

Your artistic work has value and you should be in the condition of making art while taking care of yourself economically. This is definitively true. Don’t assume the only possible way to achieve that is to gatekeep your otherway easily replicable art (which is sad and completely agains art’s purpose if you want my opinion). It may be the most viable way now, but it’s not the only one (and it’s not working great, as your example underline).

It’s the same for tipping colture, if you want a parallel situation to look from outside. Is absolutely criminal that full-time worker has to rely on a mandatory charity donation in order to survive and we should all be against that. The worker could say “I need the tips couse I can’t afford live without it, so if you are against tipping you are hurting me”, which is the same things you are saying about yourself.

For every new release they hire the best UX designers and developers in order to find ways of make your experience worse.

After reading today EA's takes on AI and strategies about ~~boosting user monetization~~ promoting and exploitation of user's gambling addiction, I asked myself "How can someone defend those company agains boycotting and piracy?". So here I am: is there somewhere a curated list of VG companies to absolutely avoid giving money too? If not, do you thing we should do it? It would be nice to have a list with arguments and sources in order to make more publicly relevant the ethical and strateical reasons behind piracy. p.s.I think it's ok if you pirate things even without a moral stand behind, especially if you can't afford games and other media at all, but the arguments still apply

Downloaded and I will keep seeding it h24 indefinitely. Thank you for sharing!

Have you been able to use it with your AMD GPU? I have a 6800 and would like to test something

I’ve always wanted to do that, but how do you handle seeding?

If you don’t count multiplayer and buy only physical copies of your game, you will be able to play for as long the hardware will function. You can also hack your switch and keep a copy of every game you may need somewhere in an hard-drive too.

I swear I misread “second hand dicks” and was so confused

For windows, yes. For Linux and OSx, 8gb si still ok for most usecase

Come on, you understand what I mean. I’m just saying that I personally feel wrong to drow the line at that when looking for boycotting criteria.

I despise lots of government and I refuse to support, partake and work in anything involved directly with such government or strongly affiliated company. I think it’s important to remember than people are not their government and that especially citizens of bad government need to see this kind of comprehension.

It’s ok if you disagree, it’s a complicated matter. Noone know the one true truth.

I was elaborating my answer, but honestly I don’t think you deserve more of my time. You are way to aggressive and judgmental.

I don’t think to be right, and I honestly don’t have any strong opinion on a matter like this. I was just finding interesting to discuss about a position that I was finding too extreme.

Have a nice day.

I don’t disagree with that principle. I disagree with the idea that “buy something from a company that will eventually pay some taxes to a country” can be considered “provide funding” to that country government.

Agree to disagree, I suppose. You will ends up condamning people for their government decision, which sounds problematic to me (especially considering the low agency they could have in such decisionmaking).

One thing is boycotting a company because you don’t support how it operates or their moral position. Another thing is boycotting a company just for the sole fact that it’s based in a country that makes political decision you disagree with. It’s just geography, not a solid criteria for boycotting something IMHO.

Every government is partially founded by taxes, are you suggesting we should avoid economical transactions with every citizen of a state you disapprove? Or is it just a Russian thing?

uh! this is interesting! I’m gonna look into this. Thanks!

This answered my question. Thank you. I guess I will sacrifice redundancy

Thank you, this is what I was worrying about. As for the “why”, even if my server is quite stable, a shutdown may be necessary and sometimes slowdowns with pi-hole happened. Some redundancy would have been better.

Noob question about PiHole
Hy everyone, I have a PiHole instance running on my home server, and I changed my router (Fritz box) DNS in order to use my PiHole. Everything runs great. I was wondering if I can put another DNS provider on my "alternative DNS server" in my router, in order to have a fallback alternative in case my server is down, or if I should avoid it. I'm asking this because I don't know if the request will be handled in parallel between the two DNS provider (that would make my PiHole useless) or not. Thank you.

Incredibile story, thank you for telling us

Thank you for the detailed answer! It seems really interesting and I will definitely give a try on my server!

I’m intrigued. How does it work? Do you have a link or an article to point me to?

At first, I was a bit annoyed that every time I launched a game I had to wait for the launcher to start and update (and sometimes login too). No big deal, but annoying.

Then, I had problem with a game update (don’t remember which, maybe TLOF1) and I wanted to downgrade the version and it was impossible to do it within the store. It was easy with a pirated version to choose the patch to apply and not to.

Last week I got Outer wilds for free and installed. It crashed every time I started a new game. Reinstalling was useless. Downloaded a pirated copy to see if it was different and indeed it was: perfectly fine (no idea why, honestly).

I ended up pirating all the game I own through Epic store. That’s how bad it is.

Unfortunately, it’s not like that. The current state of internet services and social media is inherently addictive and problematic, and that’s especially true in formative years.

While education is extremely important, it won’t be enough.

Suggestion for game streaming setup
Hi everyone! My current gaming setup is the following: - Desktop PC with AMD CPU and GPU in my studio, WiFi 6 5ghz connected - Samsung 4k TV in my living room with a standard Chromecast device in and a (modded) Nintendo Switch, all WiFi connected I want to find a way to stream my desktop PC game to my living room. What's the best software and hardware I could use? Do you have something to suggest?

Proxmox HDMI output for one VM-container
Hi everyone, I'm planning to experiment with my first home server (jellyfin,nextcloud,bitwarden etc) running on a "old" Thinkcentre i5-7th. I'm thinking using proxmox in order to experiment with different configuration and I was wondering if it's possible to have a single container/vr (with Libreelec) output HDMI to my TV, and keep other VM's headless and controlled from another PC when needed. Are there some particular setting or nwebie suggestion that could help me achieve that? Also, do you think proxmox is a good choice, or it's better stick to a single debian/ubuntu server OS?

Noob advice regarding accessing outside my wifi
Hi everyone, this community is helping me a lot in starting my journey into the self-hosting world. I'm currently just experimenting using my main pc as server, but I'm planning getting an old minipc and let it running 24h. I wanted to give acces to my hosted service from outside my wifi and since I noticed my Frirzbox router support natively Wireguard VPN i just gave it a try. It was super easy and worked flawlessly, I was able to access to my jellyfin library from 4g and other WiFi. BUT I noticed a big loss in connection speed while using my VPN (e.g. from mb/s 400 to 200 or even worse) and I'm not sure it's a good Idea to have all my devices constantly under this kind of loss forever. Am I doing something wrong? Do you suggest other routes in order to expose my services to outside? Thank you, and sorry if it's a noob question.

Should I use dedicated hardware?
Hi everyone, Last month I finally managed to build my first SFF PC (Ryzen 7600 + AMD 6800). I'm also starting to learn about self-hosting and tinkering with it (the usual stuff: Jellyfin, pi-hole, nextcloud, VPN, torrenting etc.) Thing is, of course, a server has to be always on, and I'm having trouble understanding if it can be reasonable to keep it always on or if it's too pricey and I should invest in a dedicated hardware. My consideration: a Raspberry Pi seems like it's not enough powerfull after all. I've seen you can come up with an old i5 (4th to 6th gen) minipc with like 100/150 euros, but in not really sure it's gonna consume much less than my system. What do you suggest? What am I missing? Thank you :)

Multiplatform RSS reader suggestions
Hi everyone, I'm looking for an RSS feed reader available both for PC (Windows and/or Linux) and Android. I would like to have my feed synced and organized in the same way (and maybe some backup functionality too). Do you have any suggestions? Or do you know some other way I could accomplish that?

Is a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 enough?
I'm quite a newbie to the self-hosted world, and I was wondering if a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 could be enough to start something and have "reasonable" performance. I'm interested in exploring a self-hosted torrenting machine with a jellyfin server, a pi-hole instance and something like nextcloud for cloud drive and foto backup. Is it worth trying, or it's better I just wait to get my hands on better hardware to begin with? Edit: thank you for answering me, you confirmed my expectations!

BBS-like RSS feed reader?
Hi everyone! Can you suggest an RSS feed reader with a BBS-like interface (terminal-like)? I'm looking for something similar to the NeoModem project (which is lovely and you can find [HERE](https://github.com/mrusme/neonmodem)). Both for Windows or Linux is fine. Thank you in advance!