A programmer with an interest in transit, making music, and building things of all types.

I have dysgraphia which makes writing difficult for me. I hope you can figure out what I mean despite my issues.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Your local bike store should have a nice selection. I use my EV bike all the time and the car I keep for those few trips where the bike doesn’t work just sits… You should too. Don’t forget to check out the local transit options (and if - as is likely - they are bad demand better)

Abuse. I don’t agreewithfree speach in all things. I doupt anyone does. I don’t want to see constant (to the point of only) ads for vbucks. I don’t want threats to my person. There are a few other things like that, that I think we all agree on., I then have a personal list of things like porn or swearing that iidon’t want to see but some of you do. Where to draw theelineethus isn’t clear but there is one.

Nothing is exposed. There are things I want exposed, but I don’t want to keep security patches up to date, even if there is a zero day. I’m looking for someone trustworthy to hire for things that it would be useful to expose, but they are hard to find.

mobiles and desktops are very diffrerent and need different user incerfaces. So you are not savin, much work. In fact trying to handle both in on may be worse because of all the special cases. Be glad you don’t have to support teletypes, they demand different user interfaces.

While technically you don’t need to study an hour every day, if you don’t put that much time into it you will eventually look back and see you have spend a year+ and don’t know anything and then give up. An hour a day means it is likely you have made progress between reviews of your life and thus the effort is worth continuing. At 10 minutes per day you will be dead before you know the language, so giving up is the right answer.

Enough people fail to learn a language in school as to consider the whole idea of school bunk. (but some do learn, and some schools are better than others - but the better ones all feature time as a factor)

Docker gives you a few different things which might or might not matter. Note that all of the following can be gotten in ways other than docker as well. Sometimes those ways are better, but often what is better is just opinion. There are downsides to some of the following as well that may not be obvious.

With docker you can take a container and roll it out to 100s of different machines quickly. this is great for scaling if your application can scale that way.

With docker you can run two services on the same machine that use incompatible versions of some library. It isn’t unheard of to try to upgrade your system and discover something you need isn’t compatible with the new library, while something else you need to upgrade needs the new library. Docker means each service gets separate copies of what is needs and when you upgrade one you can leave the other behind.

With docker you can test an upgrade and then when you roll it out know you are rolling out the same thing everywhere.

With docker you can move a service from one machine to a different one somewhat easily if needed. Either to save money on servers, or to use more as more power is needed. Since the service itself is in a docker you can just start the container elsewhere and change pointers.

With docker if someone does manage to break into a container they probably cannot break into other containers running on the same system. (if this is a worry you need to do more risk assessment, they can still do plenty of damage)

The duolingo format was never popular with polyglots. The game format makes it easy to feel like you did something which is a great thing, but the is the only pro people who have learned multiple languages find with it.

There is a lot of debate about what the best way to start is, but all agree that you need to interact with the real language in real world type settings (watching a movie in the language with subtitles is real world, though you need to make an effort to listen not just read!) They also agree that time is important, you need to study at least an hour every day to make progress.

Let me add the regular reminder to look for content on peertube first.

Statistically you will buy that so the ad companies pay google to ignore your prefferences.

Label those pictures though, they are more useful. When my grandma died we showed her old photos to a man who looked at one and said, that is my mom, I never saw a.picture of mom before she was married before. However if my grandma hadn’t labeled the pictures it would be some girl nobody knew 70 years later ’

They had the clothes for the next day,the rest was checked. While baggage was lost somewhat often, you normally got it the next day

C, because I can find a compiler or interpreter for other language written in C (I may need to run a few steps to get there), and thus work around your silly and nonsense question. Seriously, I use multiple languages because there is no one true language to rule them all. I use C++ for problems where bash would be wrong, and bash where C++ would be wrong. And some python, cmake, lua mixed in for good measure. I’m looking at Rust to add (rust doesn’t like the way our system designed so it is hard to figure out how to implement it)

Like I said, o.think the risk is acceptable .

I put my NAS in a location where even if the house burns it is likely to survive. Not perfect, but I figure the.risk is reasonable to take.

Because on the internet people lye about things all the time.

The person you replied to is disabled - or so he claims, even if we assume he is lying about that, there are other people in his town who actually are disabled (I don’t even have to look, disability is common enough around the world). While bikes are great for “normal people”, they are not an answer for the disabled who may not be able to ride them at all. As such while cities should encourage more biking, they should not make bikes the backbone of how people are expected to get around.

There can be no crossings. If someone looks both ways and crosses the tracks they can be hit by a train they didn’t see or hear. This means a lot more work than just curves.

If third parties agree they can send Facebook plenty of information when you visit to figure out who you are.

I think he thought it would succeed and put him in power. When that failed he went mostly silent for a long time, probably trying to figure out how to survive. While it is no surprise to anyone (including him) that he was still a target, I think he made a reasonable (though on hindsight obviously wrong) assumption that things have cleared up enough by now to be worth risking travel.

That is best for a small team who work in the same office space. However if you have someone who works remote, you are a large team, or you are the manager of the team it has limitations.

They have better information than what I watch: what I click like/dislike on. I’ve watched a number of videos someone recommended that I hate, videos I click on accidentally. Sometimes I don’t watch all the way through, but sometimes I’m not sure until the end that it was a waste of my time.

It was years ago, but my feed got much better when I disabled watch history.

Did it even work in the lab? Replication is needed, otherwise they might have had something else happen. For that matter even if it really happened, if it can’t be duplicated it changes nothing

The Senate can remove members, it is in the constitution. I don’t know all the details, but it rarely happens.

Compared to what? It beats autotools, make, shell scripts, anything you could write in less than five years of dedicated time, and anything else that assumes the compiler or target system.

However it is still a terrible build system. But since everyone else uses it i do too as it isn’t worth fighting for something better.

I bought one several years ago (at least 6 years) and I.find it still works great. Though i’m not very demanding in how I use it

I.prefer to count and report total tests run as part of each build. We get impressive large numbers, but there is no way to put any specific goal on the exact number, we can always go higher.

Zfs z2 pool . Not a perfect backup, but it covers disk failure (already lost one disk with no data loss), and accidental file deletion. I’m vulnerable to my house burning down, but overall I sleep well enough.

while you are not wrong, there isn’t really anything else we can do. At this point the best thing to do - because it is the only thing feasible - is let the first burn, and then start over by doing the regular burns that forests need. We know from other fires that forests tend to recover a lot faster than you would expect and so in a decade we will have healthy forests again.

Sure, if you can put in a large fire break across a province/state and burn just one side this year, and the other side next year that would be good. However both need to burn and there is no way to do just a small area every year and catch up to where the forests need to be.

You seem to not be familiar with Stalin and Mao. Both were worse than Hitler, despite being on our side.