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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


If you want to read the gritty-nitty of how exactly was the Widevine blob patched and worked around specifically to not violate the DMCA, here’s the specific article

If you use Docker, somebody has been taking the effort of wrapping the new Rust-based self-hosted sync server into a Docker recipe: https://github.com/jeena/fxsync-docker

I’m currently using YunoHost behind CG-NAT with a Wireguard VPS bypass, but plan on moving to a Dockerized setup soon because of YNH still using an outdated version of Debian. What do you recommend me to keep my setup as similar to YNH?

Currently using Revanced, I’m hoping to see a way to actually integrate my Google account with something else, in a similar manner to what SmartTube is somehow allowed to do.

My only issue with Newpipe is that I can’t sync my “watch later” list with Google’s servers. That, and I can’t reply to comments straight from the app. Otherwise I’d probably be using either that or Piped.

I’d love to use it on my smartphone as well… problem is the interface was designed to react only to directional buttons, not to touch inputs. I wonder if somebody can manage to add the ability in the source code?

My setup is similar, but what I have is one UPS for the things that shouldn’t go down in case of power outage (the modem and server) and another for everything else in my room that can go down for a while without much loss (the computer, consoles, screen, etcetera)

Japan has one of the most draconian copyright laws in the world. You can’t even rent your own books or disks unless the copyright holder allows for it. I’ve been puzzled at the fact that they have allowed Let’s Plays (and memes and remixes and doujin works for that matter) for such a long time.

I was using OG SearX for the longest time, it was only until very recently that I discovered that:

  • SearXNG was a thing
  • SearX had not been updated in years
  • and most importantly, that I had been stuck with the unmaintained edition without me even noticing

Or at the very least, add a way to sideload DRM-free games. That’s why I love my PS3, WiiU and even my Switch to an extent.

Why does it not surprise me to see a certain elongated muskrat razing privacy policies to the floor, again

My socially isolated self rarely if ever needs to take a single picture. I’m doing perfectly fine with the base camera that my old devices came with.

I understand why is the device so expensive (they wanted to make sure that everyone in the manufacture pipeline is properly paid, and that the materials are ethically sourced as much as humanly possible) but yeah, unless I can be absolutely sure that I won’t be changing devices in the next five years, I don’t think I’ll be able to afford this one.

/c/nottheonion@lemmy.world is that way, Todd, please don’t trip on the low bar you set while you leave

Nothing that can’t be fixed by adding a quarantine option instead of deleting the offending picture. Hopefully someone can upload a patch for that?

My case is a variant of that - I used to host on a VPS, but the storage available was extremely expensive for, say, more than 16 GB. Tired of having to trim data literally daily, I went and purchased a home server with all the storage I would need. The problem? My home internet, being residential, is behind CG-NAT (not even a dynamic IP!), and that means renting a (much cheaper) VPS solely to expose my server to the open internet with a static IP.

Ask them to go physically to your house if they ever need to tell you something urgent. If they refuse to, good riddance

Two things:

  • Interesting to see this particular addition. Handy for the players with slower reflexes, utterly useless for speedrunners (unless it messes up with physics somehow)
  • I also wonder how will achievements be managed while the accessibility turned on. Plenty of people are out there, vocally complaining about “handing out the platinum” to people “that do less effort than I did to earn it”.

As long as my single-tenant instance doesn’t get defederated by association, I’m fine

If I’m not able to self-host it a la VS Codium, then it’s very much a honeypot.

The marketing states that the plush is “ready to stand tall” and has a bendable body… at least the fabric is waterproof right?

I mean, not even I knew that Ethereum could be run in an intranet via Proof of Authority, today I learned something new!

Also: I like to purchase games in the Nintendo eShop, dump them, then run them at full speed and resolution via Yuzu - best of both worlds and the developers do get paid for the hassle

I had to do it once, kind of. Because of some inane reason, a version of Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle I got for Steam was not working in my country unless I used a VPN, so guess what, I had to download a cracked version of the launcher to bypass the georestriction - the “fix” wasn’t published until almost FOUR YEARS AFTER RELEASE

Fair enough that! I’m surprised to see so few companies saving up their money and processing time, and just using a private distributed ledger among all parties (plus maybe an arbiter node or two). Probably because Ethereum is better supported commercially (guess why!)

Blockchains are only useful in cases where non-repudiability (the ability to prevent users from denying that an event happened) is more important than any other factor. And there are preciously few cases where this is the case, the vast majority being related to audit - tracking receipts, votes, certificates, or similar attestations in an environment where no single party can be trusted. Disclaimer, I’ve worked in the past in projects related to the aforementioned - fortunately all of them related to the field of audit.

Well, that’s where my scenario dies - I’m behind CGNAT (not even a dynamic IP with direct access to the Internet), and the only providers that do have a fixed IP available only provide the service to commercial clients - which is to say, I’m expected to pay hundreds of dollars a month for the privilege. Guess I’ll keep needing a VPS for the time being!

My ISP is still incapable of resolving IPv6 addresses at all. Same goes for several other ISPs in my country that I have tried before that. As of now I need to rent a separate VPS just to have my home server be visible online on a public IPv4 address, and that is with a heavy bandwidth penalization. Can’t wait for IPv6 to be generally available in my country at least!

Thanks for the TLDW - I could ogle a bit of the article but since I was at work, I couldn’t just play the video out loud.

Unfortunately he’s also the inventor of JavaScript. Which makes the entire concept of Web 2.0 problematic by association.

And don’t even get me started with C# and Node.js projects, chances are you will need to reimplement the entire application just to get the project out of vulnerable library versions.