Just chilling

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Plus you have plenty of time to tumble once or twice while your large codebase compiles.

Can we joke about log4shell? Maybe heartbleed?

Can this power be learned?

This is floating point. We also need to know what happens when you escape with -0.

I’m currently playing Lego City Undercover on my steam deck, which is only as crashy as the switch version, and it’s great because my 10 year old is also playing it on the switch, as is my 4 year old. Obviously we all play it differently but it’s been a fun couple of weeks all playing the same game.

Fair point. There’s a fine line between programming and creating data that a program operates on. I tend to think writing text to produce nontext output is more programming than not.

But also, you’re making a computer do what you want, and something that it wasn’t programmed by the factory to display, when you write HTML. You’re programming.

That’s the final invisible panel. Code that definitely won’t compile, does compile, and tests all pass.

If you’re up for pgp and git, gnu password store is a killer app. There are a few guis, including Android and iOS, and if you use gopass there’s a nice plugin for browsers as well. And it’s ultimately just two tools that are both solid and generally well known.

I’m assuming OP wants to run on Linux and I’m not familiar enough with .NET Core to know how much or how easily you can run it on Linux. I know some things definitely run, I just don’t know how much.

For camera software, zoneminder is a classic, and frigate is probably the new kid in town. Web hosting will depend on your web developers but docker will have you covered for almost anything. Probably just steer clear of dev shops.

// see if the runtime notices
limit := limits[len(limits)]

Wait till you hear what strings are under the hood. Integers in a trench coat!

There’s no one right way. Saying there are wrong ways doesn’t imply the existence of one right way, though.

These things are true if you build a SPA wrong. Believe it or not there are lots of ways to build server side rendered pages wrong too.

Well, yes. Agreed.

Because no editor can or should try to do everything for everyone. Plugins mean an editor can do a few things well and let others bring specific features they want later.

Mixing storage and processing is now cool again. It’s just called hyper converged infrastructure.

var isn’t global unless it’s not inside a function. var is just function scoped, with declaration auto hoisted to the beginning of the function. let is a little more intuitive since you can’t refer to it before it’s been declared and has block scope rather than function scope.

Joke’s on you because they’re all still mutable objects behind the reference.

It’s the business model of build or buy trust and then exploit it until you’re loaded and your former customers all hate you. But you’re loaded.

And yeah, there’s something wrong with this world.

Appreciate the advice! I’ll definitely be keeping my ears open, then.

I’ve heard this a few times and honestly would love to do it. But I don’t really know where to get started. Any pointers?

Alyx was 2.75 because we know from Valve math that the limit of half life only approaches 3 as t goes to infinity.

Maybe this is going to be the real Half Life 3. You thought it was scary in VR? Get ready for IRL.

IDK, if I was contributing subtitles for an open provider free of charge who shared them free of charge, I’d be glad my subtitles were helping people who needed them. Now that labor has been turned into capital and that rug has been pulled with no back-dated compensation or provisions for free subtitles for hard of hearing or something. It’s a shitty move across the board for everyone but the owner.

Personally I would strongly recommend learning how to do all of this. And then abandoning it for tailscale or something similar once you know what they’re doing behind the scenes. It’s incredibly useful knowledge but it’s also nice to have so much of the process automated and best practices like key rotation done for you. Plus unless your network is hugely crazy or enterprise, you can manage for the really great price of $0.

And if you really really want to self host (which I understand) there’s headscale for a lot of the features.

It last ran a week ago and we technically haven’t tested it. Just our hot replicas which also just deleted all that data.

Fortunately not really, in my case. I stay out of the pipelines game as much as possible and focus on systems that enable better and more obvious pipelines. And then sometimes go tune some pipelines but mostly I find them to be pretty atrocious UI and much too snowflakey.

And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for your meddling git blame.

Oh man, EV drag race protip right there. Just move to Pikes Peak and you’ll win more.

It’s not so much the burnout that I enjoy (I’d rather not keep buying tires 😅) as sustained actual acceleration. Which means ideally two powered axles for traction, and at least from what I’ve read it’s hard to beat a model 3 performance for the price. Especially since it comes under the cap for a $7500 tax credit.

I normally wouldn’t but figured in context it made sense. But tbf they’re similar 0-60 times at least. I’m sure the rest of the handling is significantly better in the BMW, as well as quality, but I’m at 100k miles on my C63 and ready for some lower maintenance fun at this point. Until I can afford a 3 car garage and lift, or something, which probably isn’t for a while.

I’m very much in the market at the moment but I’ve not seen the other options in the price range with what appeals to me the most: the quickness and fun to drive aspect. Are there actually others comparable to say an m3 performance?

I mean I knew what they meant right away but yeah, it’s not perfect.

1.x was so magical and productive. I truly miss it.

This issue is already quite widely publicized and quite frankly "we're handling it and removing this" is a much more harmful response than I would hope to see. Especially as the admins of that instance have not yet upgraded the frontend version to apply the urgent fix. It's not like this was a confidential bug fix, this is a zero day being actively exploited. Please be more cooperative and open regarding these issues in your own administration if you're hosting an instance. 🙏