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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


You pirate to preserve media.

I pirate because I like pissing off billion dollar conglomerates.

We are not the same.

This ‘secrecy’ is not an oversight but a feature that’s codified in the agreement between rightsholders and Internet providers.

Well this setup seems perfectly secure and not at all susceptible to malicious actors.

I found some of my old code a while back that said: Got interrupted killing children? better stop.

You could tell your mom the real price of MS office. She might suddenly stand LibreOffice just fine.

Naturally Microsoft will respond by further enshittifying their own platform then just buying up the competitors to save themselves.

If I used Ultraseedbox and got a server in the Netherlands, would I still need a VPN?

Seriously, my home lab is paying for itself after shutting off various streaming services.

Sometimes the issue is marked as fixed but a new version won’t be coming out for months and you’re simply told to compile it yourself only to find it has literally hundreds of carefully tuned compilation dependencies and environment specific settings that aren’t documented.

That’s a fair assessment. I’ve heard some people getting videos pulled for mentioning anything piracy related in regards to Nintendo.

I appreciate the sentiment, but I personally don’t want to have any contact with Spez’s balls.

As everyone has mentioned SPF/DKIM/DMARC is the absolute minimum. If you’re going to be sending your own mail then a PTR record is absolutely required. Also get registered dnswl.org and other whitelist sites. Be prepared to spend some time tracking down why the occasional email goes to spam. Then there’s the onslaught of bots and hackers constantly trying to break in.

I’ve used Mailu to host my own mail server, and at my work we have a standard Postfix/Dovecot setup.

My recommendation is to use Fastmail, Proton, or some other service to save you the headache.

I fucking love Inspect -> Delete Node. I shouldn’t have to use it but it’s a life saver sometimes.

You can tell your age by the fact that you were emailing an exe file.

Heck to the yeah. I usually run

rsync -av src/ dst/

Which is verbose and archive mode (keeps mod times, user, etc). You can also add -P for progress.

Here is the man page https://linux.die.net/man/1/rsync

If it gets interrupted, just run that same command again.

Edit: also it’s usually preinstalled on every Linux distro and should be easy to install for Windows too.

I’m getting batocera configured so all kinds of retro games

Played this game a ton when I was younger, can’t wait to see what he uncovers.

Pretty sure brain fuck should be on this list.